Recapping the 1995-1996 Season thus far

by Ravi DeSilva - MYSA President
The following was the platform that I ran under to become your president :
I said : As your President I will be impartial and openly confront any issues that arise be it a club team, an officer, or a board member. I understand that this is a volunteer position and that I wanted to be your president.
As President, my goals were :
To continue to develop our recreational soccer programs (rec clubs) so they will be able to have more youth participants.
To continue the development of our competitive teams and club teams so they will be able to successfully complete in Far West Regionals and other major tournaments.
To make College coach Network so we can get more players recruited to Colleges and Junior College.
To conduct MYSA affairs fairly, impartially, responsibly, and with unquestionable propriety and integrity.
So far to achieve these goals the following has been done :
MYSA Policies and Procedures.
We are beginning to critically review our existing programs, to determine what is working and what is not; what should be added, changed, or deleted to improve the quality of soccer in Montana.
Coaches and Referees.
We have created a compensated head coach position. I will also send our Coach of the year and the referee of the year to a USYSA National Workshop with all expenses paid.
Indoor FUTSAL Leagues.
By the winter we hope to have a FUTSAL team in all of the major Montana Cities. This sport is closer to outdoor soccer because it comes with a leaded ball that when struck is similar to an outdoor ball.
State Tournament.
I said as it continues to grow, we will have to divide the State Tournament. This has been done for the 1996 season.
A Newsletter was desperately needed to communicate across the state. Our first quarterly Newsletter was published in May 1996.
Revenue Sources.
We are already working on programs that will bring in needed revenues. Eaxample: Annual Workshop, MYSA Camps, and MYSA newsletter.
We Have created a legal defense Committee.
We have created an excellent ODP program
We have created a Risk Management Committee.
Updated Coach Development/Licensing Program.
MYSA Youth Camps run by MYSA Staff Coaches.
Our future Goals Should be :
Have a permanent State Office
Have an Executive Director run programs for Board of Directors
International Tours by ODP & Club Teams
Host a Professional Team
Have a Men's & Women's Soccer Program in all Montana Collges
Minimum of Six Field Complexes in all major Montana Cities
Create Foundation to raise funds
Conduct aggresive campaign to improve Coaches & Referees
To obtain service from a National Team Head Coach
Host a USYSA National Championship
I also said that my presidency will be dynamic, responsive to your needs and honest. I will put soccer, the game first.
We must work together as a state to keep our eyes on the main objective which are the kids. Your Kids and my kids. If we fail to put them first then our program shall also fail. Some coaches appear to be using the program as a stepping stone to further their own careers. We must see it as an opportunity to make a difference in a child's life and with that may the coaches career soar as they continue to do for the good of the game and the kids.
Created by
Mahima Wijayasundara (