Im done for the season. Any stats or information will remain on the page. But nothing will be updated. Thats ok though, come back in August and we'll be better than ever!!

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Vancouver Canucks Pre-Season and Regular Season schedule
Wondering when the Canucks are playing next? Well what are you waiting for? Go here and find out!

Conference Standings
How are those nux doing in the playoff race? Follow the Western Conference playoff race by clicking here.

Vancouver Canucks Stats
If you don't check the Canucks current statistics, how are you supposed to know Donald Brashear's shooting percentage?

Latest Vancouver Canucks News
Whether it be a big trade, or a minor transaction, all, and I mean ALL news is right here.

Vancouver Canucks Roster
Not only will this site tell you what number that guy was, but it will also give extensive profiles on each player!!

Weekly Vancouver Canucks Article
This is a wekly article writen but yours truly, and it will definitely be good reading (better than those crummy school books)

Special Vancouver Canucks Articles
These are special reports, not written by me though (mine are obviously better). These are written by various writers in various newspapers

Weekly Canucks Trivia
How much of a fan are you? Can you correctly guess the trivia? If so, your name will be posted on the page!

Vancouver Canucks Game Report
Go here to get a game report/recap of any Canucks game played this season.

Three Star Standings
If you don't read my game reports, you should be. These three star standings are based on my choices (yes, they are educated chocies) for each hockey game. So take a look at which Canuck is in the lead, and which non-canuck is in the lead.

Vancouver Canucks Box Scores
Once you are done with the box score, go into detail and look at the box score. Any box score. I got 'em all.

Vancouver Canucks Photo Gallery
259 pictures and counting, you won't find a more extensive Photo Gallery on the net.

Vancouver Canucks Links
Check out some of the other great Canucks sites on the web. My reccomendation is Rob Eakin's site.

Vancouver Canucks Attendance
So how much fan support is out there anyway? Check the attendance records at G.M. Place for every game this season.

Listen to all Vancouver Canucks games
Ok here is the scoop. Whether you are in Toronto or Tokyo, you can listen to Jim Hughson and Tom Larscheid call ALL Canucks game. You can listen to them on-line.

Listen to Sportstalk
What is Sportstalk you ask? Well only the best sportstalk radio show in the world. Based out of Rock 101 CFMI Vancouver, host Dan Russell and producer Scott Woodgate give you a thrilling show night after night.

Ticket information for the Vancouver Canucks
I know, I know, you are probably sitting there in Arlington, Virginia, trying to figure out how to get tickets for the next Canucks/Caps game. Well, for more ticket information, it's probably best to click here.

Quotes of the week
If you want a quick chuckle, or perhaps a laugh, I suggest you check out these witty comments from around the NHL

Elston of the Week
I guarantee a laugh on this one. Check out the Elston comic of the week

Vancouver Canuck Movies
You'll find some very interesting multimedia here. You can watch Canuck clips on your computer by downloading them here.

Current Vancouver Canucks salaries
This section was made to answer the age long question. How much does Adrian Aucoin make a season anyway?

Score one on the web with Canuck Zone, the page for the Canuck fan. Spread the word about this great site!

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I'm always looking for ways to improve my site, and become the best Canucks site on the web, but I need your help!!! Please, please, mail me your comments and suggestions for new designs at

Thanks to Kaizen Technologies for help on the creation of this web page! Also, a very very very special thanks to Chris Park for help on graphics in this site!! Check his work out and go to his site.

JS+DP 4ever