Welcome to the first ever
unoffical DJ Clue web site. You my ask why do a
site on DJ Clue, he ain't
a real dj, he don't use vinyl to make mix tapes, he
don't mix in his mix tapes.
I can answer all those questions. Get one of his
mix tapes from 95' or 96'
where he blends and mixes with vinyl. One reason
I think he doesn't mix on
his tapes any more and plays the songs is that the
kids on the street that
buy mix tapes don't wanna hear that(I have done
reserch on this). Kids wanna
hear the rare unreleased joints and freestyles
on the DJ Clue tapes.
DJ Clue started DJing back
in 1990 when he was first rhyming. He had went
to his mans house to do
a tape on day and their was something wrong with
the mic, so he started to
mess around wit the turntables and did a nice mix
and got gased says DJ Clue.
So he has been DJing even since. I bet when
you hear a DJ Clue tape,
you say to your self, "What does he use to make
his voice echo like that???",
well he uses a ARS 10. AM Echo Chamber
machine. He also used Technics
1210's, a Stanton/Gemini mixer, and
Ortophone for his needles.
DJ Clue's ten favorite beats to mix and blend are
"Impeach The President",
"The Bridge", "Everybody Bounce", "Big Beat",
"Come On Baby", "Do The
James", "Top Billin'", "Everybody", "Make Your
Music With Your Mouth",
and "Nobody Beats The Biz".
When DJ Clue was asked in
a interview in Rap Pages, "What do you have to
do in order to take it to
the next level creatively" He says, "I think its important
that I keep bring the flava,
because there are too many niggas that get on and
fall right off because they
start sleeping and they are not staying on point like
they're supposed to. What
happens is they start getting caught up in the hype
and the limelight. The start
going to parties thinking they the man".