[Inside an Insane Asylum...] 
[Dwells None Other than The Mat Maniac.]

[Bio of The Mat Maniac]
--Discover the darkness that runs rampant throughout my sick, crazed, and mutilated mind, and all that I have done to be committed.
[Pictorials of Myself]
--View a glimpse of The Mat Maniac.
[Mutilated Merchandise]
--Become what I have become.  Buy some merchandise and collect some collectibles.
[Contact The Mat Maniac]
--In this holding area I am by myself left with four walls to be my friend(s).  Please write me...even if it is for a booking date or autograph.  Then, finally I will have someone to talk to. 
This page is best viewed at 1024 X 768.  Reccomended browsers are Netscape or MSIE

*Note* MSIE may have trouble displaying certain color schemes of my online home. 

Straight from the Insane Asylum...
"I don't fear Teddy Bears."          --Mat Maniac, 1998.
Page Updates:
The main page has been revamped, hopefully it is easier to navigate. Let us know what you think.

Misc. Note - A Q&A Section will soon be added later on in the year, along with perhaps a message board or chat room, and a Download area.

Inside the Insane Asylum...The Maniac speaks..

This Site, My Career, My Life, is dedicated to the memory of a very special person from my life, my Mother, who left us December 2002 to Lung Cancer.  The Memory of Sharon E Johns will live on forever. And I will find away to pin and defeat the most evil opponant of all, Cancer.  Everyone right now, do what you can to donate to Cancer Research.


2004 - Due to a stipulation in the 4 way Hardcore Match (which was set up against me in the first place with former UnStable members) of The Beast, Izzy Blackwell, Kris Syz and my champion Mr Haunt, I was fired from RCW when Haunt lost the title to Izzy Blackwell.  Currently Unemployed.. Need help..will work for food :)

2003 And NEW RCW Hardcore Champion - Kris Synz.  I now manage a hardcore champion again, as of 11/08/03 - in the form of Kris Synz

You can catch Mat Maniac on RCW TV in the St. Louis area, on Charter Access, Ch. 18, Fridays at 9pm.  Previous episodes had me: touring a K of C hall, interviewing under the ring, Commentary, singing Happy Birthday to Buddy Rich, and Dancing with all the ladies of RCW - but look below for what to expect next:

The Mat Maniac is NOW EVIL Again!!!!  Yes, due to everything that has been happening I have once again cracked and snapped.  The resulting effect is the reformation of a brand new UNSTABLE.  I now manage The Beast, Krys Synz, The Wrecking Crew, AngelicSin and Mike Manson.  Check out the RCW TV Shows or check out a live event to see what happens next

While You are here, Dont Forget to sign and view my guest book (Yep, The Mat Maniac got himself a guest  book now.  Now all you 2000 people that have visited my site can sign in ;)

Sign My Guest Book  /  View My Guest Book

The Mat Maniac Online now has a message board for everyone to post on.  Feel free to discuss stuff concerning me - the Mat Maniac, Feds I work for, show results, indy wrestling, WWF, WCW, etc.  Please Keep it clean though ;)
The Mat Maniac Message Board
Thank to BraveNet for providing the new Mat Maniac Message Board

Some people have also asked about my Teddy Bear.  Well, I had him for a few years in the asylum, and value his advice.   His name is Benji, and he is named after my dog I had for 15 years in the asylum, who just recently had to be put to sleep.  This is my dedication for you old man. The monkey I have is Clyde, and he is NOT a puppet, so quit saying it :).  Hey, he is the former costar of the MVWA TV show, next to me of course, Billy McKay and George had NOTHING on us, after all, is was us that helped the MVWA win 14th place for Best Wrestling TV show  in the TNM 1998 Year End Awards (Heck, we beat WCW Pro..which is not that surprising).  Clyde also just returned to wrestling, helping me out during the MPW Tag Title match in which Beast and G Dog won..Also returning was Popple and Monchichi to help in my win against Billy Bob :)

Please everyone, click on the TNM link I have all over my site, and try out the cool TNM Wrestling Simulator.  If you like it, please buy it, it is well worth it (This is unsolicited advertising, I just love the game and wanted to advertise it on my site). I also, hope to be having some more merchandise to sell on the site soon, like T-Shirts, Mousepads, etc.  I also hope to have a download section soon with midi themes from some of my wrestlers and other IWA Wrestlers, wavs perhaps, Mat Maniac and Unstable calculators and screen savers, and  Icons of myself and other IWA and Area wrestlers..and some icons for TNM (all of which I worked on myself. The wrestlers are based upon characters from South Park).

Thanks, and keep on checking the site out everyone, thanks for making my counter go above 5 :)  and remember, "Never Hit a Man with Glasses, Hit him with something bigger, and heavier....make him bleed from it"....but Kids, dont try that at home. 


I would like to thank everyone for ordering the Mat Maniac merchandise I have currently, including my first customer, Roger Bolin.  If any of you have not gotten your items, you should be soon.  I will be getting more merchandise soon such as Tshirts, hats, new pictures, etc. so check back often...and order.  Also, I have an ad on some of the pages I would like you to click on.  It goes to a site called TNM (such as seen below).  Please click on it...you get to do something nice for me, and in turn get to try out a REALLY cool wrestling simulator program..for free.  I urge ya, if you like it....register it....it is really FUN and you will NOT be sorry (no, I did not get paid to say this, it is my own opinion).  Something I DO make money off of  is the buying WWF merchandise from my web site.  Click on the WWF links in either the MERCHANDISE section or LINKS section, or click right HERE.

The Legend Is Back ! Download A Free Trial Version NOW !

This page was designed by Hardcore HollyWood Styles for The Mat Maniac, all logos and HTML (HTM) are property of Hardcore HollyWood Styles and The Mat Maniac.  The Mat Maniac is © Copyright of the wrestler.  © 2003.

* *
* [Maniac's Internet Joys]
* --Here, in this insane asylum, my only friend and companion is my computer.  Through it I somewhat live my life...until their is a wrestling match.  Visit some of my favorite sites on the internet...the ones that bring me joy.
* [Maniac Misc]
Z --Here you will find:  Downloads
Calendar of Events
Show Results
Maniac Commentary
Message Board
Guest Book
and much more. Check this often for new stuff. 
* **


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Dedicated to the Memory of those that have passed - Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Andre the Giant, Gorilla Monsoon, Rick Rude, Lou Thesz, Stevie Shannahan, Hawk,  Louie Spicolli, Gary Albright, Brian Hildebrand, Yokozuna, Mr. Perfect, and Many Many More.   10 Bells for you guys.  Special Dedication to a brother that left us,  Mikey "Krazy" Reeves.  Not a wrestler, but a legit brother - We Miss Ya Bro, and of course, my Motherr, Sharon E Johns.