Blaze Predicts


Week 5 Musings
*  The boys of Norce continue to show their force by distributing a Mudskipper spanking.  
(Sounds a bit too bawdy to get into much detail, but....) It happened, A Family Pasbrig 
Sweep!  Congrats to the rookies of Norse!
*  The UPS Express breaks the strike to give the Cinderella Nuts a taste of reality.  The 
chilly Acrtic Icemen break the cold streak to hand the rookie sensations a taste of what an 
ex-Champion should be serving for Sunday dinner.  Can the Nuts bounce back?
*  The Moldies!  The Greenin’ Mold get a much deserved “W” over a very powerful 
Wolfpack.  The Pack get the bye week out of the way and look to continue sinking their 
teeth into the rest of the league.  Can the Mold stick it out in Week 6?
*  ACE!  It’s ICE ACE, BABY....   (da da da dadada da)  ICE ACE, BABY..... (da da da 
dadada da)  The Acers rap the Knights and cash in for a week 5 high along the way!
*  Wally’s Pack gets their revenge as they create a Sunday Monster Mash.  What is up 
with the defending KFL Champions?  The famed Monday Night Steve Young comeback 
falls way short as the Monsters fall to the deep shadows of the KFL standings.
*  The Turf Munchers serve up another turf-burger and force feeds another “L” for the 
lost, wandering Renegades.

Week 6
GAME OF THE WEEK:  Norse Force vs. K.C. Wolfpack  K.C. -2   Outstanding 
match-up of the #1 and #3 highest scoring teams in the KFL.  Vital divisional game 
matches the fearless Boy’s of Norce and the cagey KFL veteran bridesmaid W‘Pack.  “W” 
stands for Win this week as the Force is with K.C. this week.
Ace Ventura vs. Drakemonsters  Ace - 8  The KFL Champs are reeling and the Acers 
are coming off a HOT week.  ICE ACE, BABY....  continues as the rap rolls on....
Turf Munchers vs. Wing Nuts  Nuts - 6  The Year of the Nut, Baby!  The Nuts bounce 
back as the Turf Munchers chew a bit of their own sod this week.
Renegades vs. Arctic Express  Arctic -4  The Battle for the Basement. Arctic begins 
their Winter thaw and get 2 back-to-back. 
Mudskippers vs. Greenin’ Mold  Skippers -9  The Skippers get back on their winning 
course as the tough luck Moldies take it on the chip.
Phantom Knights vs. Pasbrig Packers  Pack -14  The Pack may suffer a letdown after 
their emotional revenge match.... Naw... they’ll rock.

Week 4 Musings
*  70 points!!!???!!!   My God!  Talk about not holding back and
 letting family stand in the way of a little dough!  WOW!  Wally
 crushes the fruit of his loins!  WOW!  I’m glad you’re not my
 Dad!  The Pack sinks the Skippers in the Battle of Bad Blood!
*  59 points!!!!???!!!  If the Skipper had played any other team,
 they would be undefeated!  What a great divisional game!  The 
rematch is sold out already!

*  The Nights turn out the lights on the Greenin’ Mold.  The hard
 Luck  Musties have been hangin’ around…. Lingering so to speak…
  Their day will come.

*  The Force is with the Boys of Norse as they hand the 2-time 
Champion Express their heads.  Ouch!  The Express should consider
 changing their name to the Arctic UPS  (like during the strike)
 because no one is showing up for work!

*  The Wolfpack bite as they bark sinking their teeth into the Renegades hide to leap to 4-0!  

*  The Turf Munchers force-fed the defending KFL Champion
 Monsters some turf as they out lasted the Drake by 6 points.
  Congrats to the rookies.

*  Speaking of rookies!  The Wing Nuts!!!!  4-0!  Cinderella 
story of 1997!  Veteran Owners remember the Phins Phabulous Story
 last year.  Could it be the Year of the Nut?  It’s early, but 
you don’t need Ace Ventura to give you a clue, they may be for 

Week 5
GAME OF THE WEEK:  Norse Forse vs. Mudskippers  Mudskippers -1
  The Boys of Norse have the Force but the Skippers of Mud have
 the Bud!  The Skippers announce the dedication of Budweiser
 Stadium prior to kickoff and carry a sudsy wave to a victory in
 the new digs.

Drakemonsters vs. Pasbrig Packers  Packers -29  70 points!!??!!
  My god!  If he’ll do that to his own kid, what’s he gonna do to
 the team that knocked him out of the playoffs last season?  Two
 2-time Champs go head-to-head.  Coach Wally has been waiting for
 this for almost a year!

Wing Nuts vs. Arctic Express  Nuts -12  The Year of the Nut, 
Baby!  Arctic has been cold and will stay that way through week

K.C. Wolfpack vs. Greenin’ Mold  Pack -9  The Pack rides vs. the
 tough luck Moldies.  

Phantom Knights vs. Ace Ventura  Ace - 5  Ace is the place with
 the helpful hardware can.  Sorry Knights... the jingle worked!

Turf Munchers vs, Renegades  Turf - 4  The Munchers are hot off 
the upset of the defending Champs.  Renegades are tough, but bite
 the rough.


Season Predictions

Arctic North
1.  Drakemonsters
2.  Turf Munchers 
3.  Ace Ventura
4.  Wing Nuts

Packer Central
1.  K.C. Wolfpack
2.  Arctic Express
3.  Norse Force
4.  Renegades

Monster South
1.  Pasbrig Packers
2.  Mudskippers
3.  Greenin’ Mold
4.  Phantom Knights

Wildcard:  Arctic Express vs. Mudskippers
Semis:  Drakemonsters vs. K.C Wolfpack
Semis:  Mudskippers vs. Pasbrig Packers

Superbowl:  K.C. Wolfpack vs. Pasbrig Packers

1997 Superbowl Champions:  Pasbrig Packers

Week 1 Musings
*  OUCH! Best describes the inaugural week of the 1997 KFL
 Football Season.  Too many injuries to count.  Many teams took
 hits, none more than the current KFL Champion Drakemonsters.
  2-time KFL Superbowl Co-MVPs Jerry Rice (out for the season)
 and Steve Young blasted early from the game.  The Champs rallied
 behind a new balanced attack to get the "W" this week.  Bad news
 for the Monsters on the season though.

*  Drake’s bad news is the Pasbrig packers good news.  The Pack
 are salivating at the thought of drinking from the 1997
 Championship Cup.  They blasted there way in to 1997, continuing
 to do what they did for most of 1996, kick butt.  Posting a Week
 1 high 54 points, they left the Turf Munchers doing just that,
 munching turf…  Coach "Duckman" Wally Pasbrig is flying solo and 
out to prove it was the elderly wisdom, not the youthful energy,
 that prompted the Pack to 2 Championships.
*  The Turf Munchers tallied a very respectable 46 points, they
 were simply overmatched. 

*  The Mudskippers are out to prove that they were the 
under-appreciated cog to those Pack titles.  Rookie Owner Chris
 Pasbrig fell 2 points shy of league dominance in Week 1 with a
 fabulous 52 point output.  They did this to a strong Arctic
 Express team that boasts the 3rd 2-time Champ Owner.  He faces
 Drake this week, a very difficult opening pair of games, but the
 kid says, "Bring on the best, baby!  I’m the Skipper of this

*  The K.C. Wolfpack are another team starving for a bite of the
 Championship Breakfast.  With an impressive 49 points, they show
 they are for real with a 19 point drubbing of the Phantom 

*  Ace Ventura detected an opening and squeaked out a win versus
 Greenin’ Mold.  The Musties needed to get out of the blocks 
quickly, but fell short of the kicker tie-breaker

*  The Rookie Bowl winner Wing Nuts twisted out a victory over
 the Norse Force.  The Nuts, formerly the Bunnies, played up to
 the tough new attitude insisted upon by rookie owner Lee Ulrich,
 "We’re not bunnies were Nuts!"

Week 2
GAME OF THE WEEK:  Mudskippers vs. Drakemonsters  Mudskippers +2
  The new Skipper of the KFL is talking dynasty as he brings his 
brash, in your face, style of football into MONSTER STADIUM.  Can
 they knock off the defending Champions while they’re down?  Skip
 says "Look out, Pops… I’m comin’ after ya!"

Wing Nuts vs. Phantom Knights  Wing Nuts +6  The KFL is Nuts over
 the Nuts!  Phantom needs to get this win to stay out of the 
basement of the Monster South.

Turf Munchers vs. K.C. Wolfpack  K.C. +5  K.C. is tough and ready
 to rock in the Packer Central.  The Munchers get another tough 
assignment but fall short.

Renegades vs. Greenin’ Mold  Mold +9  The Mold sticks with a 
victory over the reeling Renegades.  Perhaps the ‘gades should
 have kept the R.K.?  A new name and image, perhaps?  How ‘bout
 them Lust Bunnies!?!?

Norse Force vs. Pasbrig Packers  Pack +12  The Pack is the team 
to beat with a solid offensive attack.  Too much for the Force 
this week.


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