The membership fees for the current year is the same as last year, that is Lm6.00 (six Maltese Liri).

Fully paid-up members will be entitled, as in previous years, to receive a set of INTER souvenirs and other material. We therefore ask all existing members to renew their membership early and please also encourage your Interisti friends to join the Club as well.

Membership dues can be paid at the Club premises in Santa Venera as follows:
Monday to Saturday: from 18.00 to 20.00 hrs.
Sunday: from 10.00 to 12.00 hrs
To ensure that you receive your souvenirs and material, please make sure that you are a member by the 1st October, 1998.

The Committee reminds all members that no other Supporters Club in Malta distributes good quality souvenirs as Inter Club - Malta does. This policy subjects the Club to a huge financial sacrifice and any donation made to the Club Treasurer at the time of renewal, over and above the Lm6 membership fee, will encourage the Committee to continue with this policy and will be greatly appreciated.