Welcome to The Vin Man's Squared Circle

Ah, yes, professional wrestling, the world's last true sport. Unlike baseball, basketball, and other children's games, the important thing in wrestling really isn't who wins or loses - it's how much fun you have.

Professional wrestling has never gone on strike. Wrestling promoters have never locked out the wrestlers. Wrestling as an industry has always put the fans first, and the "almighty" dollar second.

Professional wrestling is tough. While other so-called "athletes" will retire for something like blurred visions or multiple concussions, wrestlers will fight on through these and other injuries. Why? Because they don't want to disappoint their fans. Of course the non-guaranteed contracts are also a factor...

Wrestling has no offseason. Even baseball players will ordinarily play only 5 or 6 days out of a week, and play three straight games in one city. The WWF recently went on a tour that started in Vancouver, BC, on a Sunday, and wrestled every night in a different ciy until arriving in San Francisco on Saturday. 7 days, 7 cities. And you thought you were busy.

The Vin Man's Viewpoint The Vin Man's thoughts on wrestling this week (or so.)

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The Pacific Northwest has long been a hotbed of wrestling talent. Legends like Roddy Piper, Curt Hennig, and Matt Borne (the original Doink the Clown) all got their start in the Portland area. After being tied in the ropes of beaureaucratic red tape, NW wrestling is experiencing a solid revival. Here's a sampling of links. I hope to have more soon.

Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling It's Canadian, so I suppose it's the Pacifc Southwest to them.

Stevie's Portland Wrestling Page Articles and pictures of Portland Wrestling history.


The Legend Is Back ! Download A Free Trial Version NOW !

Scoop's Wrestling Headlines and News. THE BEST newsletter out there, plus fantasy matches we'd all like to see!

The Bagpipe Report The second best newsletter out there.

World Wrestling Federation For over 50 years, THE revolutionary force in sports entertainment!

Extreme Championship Wrestling Check out the official website of the House of Hardcore!

World Championship Wrestling The official homepage of WCW! But why would you want to see those mama's boys...

...when you can go to The OFFICIAL nWo page. It's got pictures, movies, a mission statement, and most importantly, it's got attitude.

Whoo! The wrestling website. The best site on the 'Net for independent wrestling organizations.

Unistork's page. Two guys named Unibomb and Stork got together and put up a bunch of downloadable pics, sounds, etc. Damn cool stuff.

The Wrestling Channel That's right, friends, soon there will be a network devoted to nothing but professional wrestling twenty-four hours a day. This is their incredibly comprehensive website. (Be sure to check out their Amateur/Youth wrestling minisite - I hear the editor is really cool.)

Ever wonder if Shawn Michaels could've beaten Lou Thesz? You can find out by using Rampage Wrestling, a text-based wrestling simulator for PC's. There's also a great website here. Or...

...you can download Wrestling League Simulator. Doesn't have as many features as Rampage does, but it does have a nifty ranking system. Also, it's shareware! Or...

...you can download Oliver Copp's TNM here. Rampage and WLS are simulators of a wrestling match, while this lets you simulate running a federation.

Pacific Coast Sports A California-based wrestling organization with a really cool web site.

Quick, boy, back to the Temple of Vin!

© 1997 Wrestling sure is cool!!
OR... Uhh...you know it's fake, right?

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