Q: Who the hell are you?
A: My full name is Vincent Aaron Verhei.
Q: Why do you call yourself "The Vin Man?"
A: Because guys named "Vinny" get no respect outside of Philadelphia
and Chicago.
Q: So tell me about yourself.
A: Well, I'm originally from Bothell,
Q: BOTHELL has a home page?
A: Sad, isn't it? For those of you who don't know, Bothell is the
debris left behind by the collision of the derelict parts of North Seattle and the affluent
East Side. Anyway, I just turned 23. I'm 6'2", somewhere around 230, 240
Q: That's pretty friggin' big.
A: I'm rather large, yes.
Q: What else?
A: I am STILL a student at Western Washington
University in Bellingham, Washington.
Q: You've been there for quite a while, haven't you?
Counting my time at Shoreline Community College, it'll be five friggin' years of college by the time I graduate this Spring.
Q: Why so long?
A: Three equal parts:
Q: That was long and boring.
A: Hey, you asked.
Q: So, you got a job?
A: For the time being, I work in the computer labs at the University of Washington Bothell Campus.
Q: Good job?
A: With a few interruptions, I get paid to surf the web, download pornography, and play games.
Q: Sounds nice.
A: I don't care if I make six figures someday, I am never quitting. They'll have to chase me away with a sandblaster. (Which, if you've met my bosses, is not unlikely.)
Q: What are some of your hobbies?
A: Well, I like football.
Q: College or pro?
A: Mostly pro.
Q: Do you have a favorite team?
Q: Are they any good?
A: Surprisingly, yes. After decades of horrible football, the team evolved into a mediocre squad for most of the '90s. This year, coach Reeves has successfully mixed heavy doses of Jamal Anderson runs with occasional Chris Chandler bombs. After sprinkling lightly with great defensive and special teams play, and served with a side dish of Cakewalk Scheduling, the recipe seems to be a smashing success.
Q: You really went off on that question.
A: Well, they're not good often, and I have this horrible feeling it won't last. So I'm enjoying it while I can.
Q: I see. Any other hobbies?
A: I'm a huge fan of professional wrestling.
Q: Uh...You know it's fake, right?
A: The winners of the matches are predetermined, yes.
Q: So why do you like it?
A: I explain that in my Squared Circle.
Q: You're going to make me go and read it, aren't you?
A: Yes I am.
Q: All right. What else do you enjoy?
A: I like comic books.
Q: What are your favorites?
A: Spider-Man, Ghost Rider, and a few others. Oh, and OverPower.
Q: OverPower?
A: Yeah, OverPower. It's a card game played with comic book
Q: Like Magic?
A: Yeah, it's basically an attempt to ride the coattails of Magic's
Q: Where can I find out more?
A: I recommend
OverPower page.
Q: I'm running out of things to ask.
A: Well, why don't I plug the other parts of my page, and then we can wrap this up with a lightning round of
miscellaneous unrelated questions?
Q: Okay. Go ahead.
A: Folks, I hope you enjoy your stay here at the Temple of Vin. Be sure to check out The War Zone, a guide to playing and beating Twisted Metal 2, the ultimate car-combat video game. Swing by The House of Prime, my tribute to one of this century's greatest athletes, "Prime Time" Deion Sanders. And make sure you leave time to see 6Men Scramble Center for character templates and other resources for the ultimate wrestling video game, Fire Prowrestling S 6Men Scramble.
Q: That's a long name for a video game.
A: Well, it's Japanese. Another game in the series is called, and I quote, "Super Fire Prowrestling X Premium." Note that the game is both Super AND Premium. So you know it must be good.
Q: Should I start the random questions now?
A: Sounds like a good idea to me.
Q: Where can I go to find my favorite actors and actresses nude
on videotape?
A: The Bare Facts Video Guide. Or as my friends and I refer to it, The
Bible. For ordering information, go to the
Bare Facts website.
Q: What's the best show on TV?
A: The only non-sports TV show I make sure to watch regularly is Whose Line Is It Anyway? It's an improvisational comedy show hosted by Drew Carey, and it's just the funniest damn thing ever. It's on at 9:30 Wednesday nights, right before South Park, another excellent show, this one on Comedy Central.
Q: Who has the largest breasts in the world?
A: I'd have to say Zena Fulsom.
Q: Where can I go to find a picture of a colon?
A: Right here!
Q: I feel like being verbally abused. Can you help?
A: Sure can. You're an ass. A nothing. A worthless piece of scum on
the bottom of society's feet. How's that?
Q: Pretty good. Can you do it again?
A: No, but for more abuse you can go to
Q: This is boring now. Can we stop?
A: Silly fool, you've had the power to stop this whole time. Just
strike a dramatic pose and cry out...
Quick, boy, back to the Temple of
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* My inability to pass the Press Law class taught by a daemon who goes by the mortal name of Lyle Harris, and the subsequent bureaucratic mess which resulted;
* The fact that I didn't realize a General Studies degree existed at Western; if I had, I would've been in that program much earlier;
* My own simple stupidity. After taking one quarter off to get my head straight, I missed a deadline to re-apply for classes. So I can't go back till Spring. Grr.
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