![]() ![]() Here are some of the questions I usually receive from visitors, and since they're so common, I've decided to post them all on one page. Q- What resources did you use to get all these graphics in here? A- Just one thing; Corel Photo-Paint 7. No Adobe Photoshop, no Hotdog, no scanner. Q- Why is your page called "The Steve Yzerman Arena?" Why not "Andrew's Steve Yzerman Page," "The Unofficial Steve Yzerman Homepage," or "The Steve Yzerman Page?" A- In the summer of 1996, the Nepean Sports Complex in Nepean, Ontario, was renamed "The Steve Yzerman Arena" in Steve Yzerman's memory. So I decided that since I am dedicating this page to the greatest player of the game(Steve Yzerman) I shall name my page The Steve Yzerman Arena, because long after Yzerman retires, my page will still remain, in memory of Steve Yzerman. Q- What happened to your Question of the Season? A- My Question of the Season was a feature on my page from January 1998-April 1998. I took it out because I felt it was silly to use a question of the season on a guestbook format, but hey, wouldn't you rather have an evaluation instead? Q- How long did it take you to complete your page? A- My page used to be updated everyday, but it took me 4 months to finish the design and format of my page. My page was born in November, 1997. Q- Am I allowed to borrow any of your graphics on your page? A- I ask that you not take any of my graphical designs because those took a really long time to make. As for regular pictures, feel free to use them on your page, as long as you give me credit by putting a link on your page back to mine. Make the link back to: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/6451/ Q- What was the purpose of making this site? A- One purpose only, to spread the word that Steve Yzerman is the coolest player in the game. Q- How can I make a homepage like yours? A- Like mine? It's up to you how you want your page to look like, but to apply for a homepage, Geocities will give you 11 free megabytes to work with. Q- Is there any way I can reach Stevie or any way you can reach Stevie for me? A- For privacy, I am not allowed to give any personal information about Steve Yzerman other than what I've already posted on my page. Besides, if I knew any way of contacting him, I'd contact him myself. Those are the most common questions, the rest, just e-mail me. |