Hi! HOW BOUT THEM RANGERS? Halfway into the 1998-99 season, teh Rangers are looking forward to a playoff birth, not far behind boston. So Far this season, Neil Smith has been rediculous. Trading Kovie and picking up Nedved. Kovalev is playing excellent in Pittsburgh aside Jagr. This is my page, (although somewhat maintained by the person at This page ) I have cool NYR pics to show and lots of NYR info to share. If you are a die hard NYR fan, you would want to see a cool site with awsome graphics and updated information every day...go to,
The New York Rangers!!!!. You can Visit my
perspectives pageor take a look at the awards I have won.
Have a good time while you are here!
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Hey-check out the webring! It currently has 210 members in it and is a pretty cool thing to join. Want a good Ranger page? Click on the Random for one! They all rule because they deal with the NYR!!!
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