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AI-Shrine: InterActive 

E-Mail the "Answer" 
Allen Iverson is off to another great start this season, so send him a question about his game plan for the rest of the year or the outlook for the Sixers.  

Cast your Vote! 
Allen Iverson is having his best season to date, and it is up to you to vote him in to the All-Star game.  

    R E L A T E D 
See how Allen did in last years All-Star Rookie Game. The highlights will be enough to conveince you to vote for him this year! 

    R E L A T E D     
Check out Allen's current stats, and you will see why he is a shoe in for the All-Star game.    

Do you think Sixers play better when Allen looks to score or pass?
They win more when he scores
They win more when he passes
They win more when he does both equally

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