**...perpetually under contruction...**

Don't trip over the dog.

Here I am, sitting on the only couch in the whole house, sipping a lemonade and munching on potato crisps. The movers are late. It'll be some time before they get here, hope they come soon. Right now, all I have is a couch and an empty house. Oh well, it'll fill itself up soon.

I suppose an intro is in order for those who don't know me. I'm 16 at present, still in school. I live in the concrete jungle of Singapore, where there is an abundance of rails and ledges, or so it would seem to the skate-literate.

Yeah, I skate, or I do when I have the time, and when I feel like busting a knee or cracking my skull. I hate helmets, though I have one, I never use it. You don’t really need a helmet for street skating, (kids, don’t take any notice of when has just been mentioned) just make sure you have one when cruising the ramps.

I play softball too, which accounts for my weak ankles. Too much running, lah! But really, it’s a great sport, fast-pitch softball (shameless plugging on my part...). Here’s a ‘hey!’ to the RGS softball team, both divisions. Raffles '79ers rule!

When it comes to music, I’m not very fussy. You could say I tend to the alternative, and electronica, although I do enjoy The Beach Boys. Why limit myself to just one or two genres of music?

Meet my dog...but pray he doesn’t meet you first.

You can check out these links, while I wait for my dad to acquire that desktop scanner he’s promised to get. Pictures, I need pictures...

Vans Shoes ASA Rick Dees Warner Bros. Online

Fighter plane nut, i.e. Fighter15. Go figure.
Visit Levante...
My Class Page (4/11)
Aggressive Skating WWW Page
Phoenix the Chaosbringer needs her lunch. Happy visiting!

It's the little things in life that make it worth living.

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