The Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers has served notice of motion to the Executive of the Canadian Police Association (CPA), that it is our intention to bring forward a motion at the AGM to be held in Regina Sask., that if successful will see the CPA withdraw its support from the registration portion of C-68.
This motion if successful will surely sound the death knell for the legislation. The Federal Government is so scared that the resolution will pass they are in the process of lobbing where ever they can to hold support. They will be lobbying hard at the AGM in an attempt to keep the Police support.
I will attempt to see that the Firearms Community has an equal chance to be heard at the AGM.
I need you and your organization to contact all the grass roots police officers you can to have them contact their local Association Presidents as well as their Provincial Association Presidents to let them know what their position is on this legislation.
Members of your organization can also write the local police Associations & Provincial Associations/Federations stating their concern as taxpayers and private citizens in the tremendous costs that C-68 has made on manpower and police programs, that if in place would have a greater affect on crime and the public and police safety.
The CPA's own man on the User Group is now stating the cost will be in excess of 1 BILLION DOLLARS. How many police officers could we have on our streets and in our neighborhoods for that amount, how many violent offenders could we keep in prison, how many victims & crime prevention programs could we fund with that kind of revenue. The money not spent on these programs and a myriad of others will not only place the public at greater risk and danger but also police officers on the street. The money not spent on real police programs is stretching the "Thin Blue Line", thinner to the point of breaking.
Address for most Police Associations and Federations can be found on the
CPA's web page:
I know you will understand the importance of this work, we do have a close time line as the AGM is slated for the last week in August this year.
Good Luck; should you need any further information or assistance just e-mail or phone my pager I will return your call at my expense ASAP.
Murray Grismer
Saskatchewan Federation of Police Officers - Firearms Spokesman
Pager (306) 249-9718
Home (306) 931-2926
Work (306) 975-8300