WWF Raw is War Report for May 25, 1998 Hosted by Jim Ross, Michael Cole, and Jerry Lawler
The fireworks explode and RAW IS WAR has begun.

 The announcers for the 1st hour are Jim Ross and Michael Cole.

 Vince McMahon and officials make their way down to the ring. JR
 announces the matches later in the night. Clips of Pat Patterson and
 Gerald Briscoe vs. Steve Austin last week. Clip shown of Vince
 McMahon jumping out from the fans disquised in a mask. McMahon says
 that this Sunday the WWF Title will be going Over the Edge. McMahon
 was about to leave and Stone Cold's music starts playing. The crowd
 goes nuts. Stone Cold says that Vince McMahon is the World Dumbest
 Son of a Bitch. He says that McMahon confessed to assaulting Austin.
 He demands that the police arrest him. The cops handcuff him and
 McMahon goes nuts. McMahon looked in pain. He then gets Pat Patterson
 and Gerald Briscoe arrested for Obstruction of Justice. Austin makes
 some hilarious comments like usual. He then poors beer on Vince
 McMahon. Nice opening to RAW.


 Clips shown from earlier when McMahon got arrested.

 ** 1st Match: DOA vs. LOD with Puke (Darren Drosdorv) **

 Winner: LOD 2000 via a Powerbomb from Puke 

 LOD comes out and announces PUKE as their partner. Each team
 exchanges blows. Puke starts off with some armdrags and dropkicks.
 Hawk comes in and takes control of the match. Then Chainz makes a
 tag. DOA does some double teaming in the corner. Hawk then gives a
 member of DOA a clothesline. Chainz comes back in for DOA. They keep
 exchanging moves for a while. Puke comes in and clears the ring. In a
 minute all 6 men are in the ring. Puke performs a flying tackle on
 Chainz. Puke then Powerbombs Chainz. LOD 2000 is the winner of this 6
 man tag. Puke looked pretty good. 

 Clip shown of Vince McMahon in handcuffs backstage.


 Clip of McMahon being put in a squad car.

 ** 2nd Match: Owen Hart vs. Dan Severn **


 Dan Severn starts off with the advantage. He tries to overextend Owen
 Hart's elbow. This match has a very slow pace. The action goes onto
 the outside and Owen Hart gains the advantage. Owen nails Severn with
 a forearm. The ref is yelling at Dan Severn and Owen Hart nails him
 with a low blow. Dan Severn puts the armbar on Owen Hart and then
 D-Lo Brown comes out and is followed by the rest of the nation. They
 all jump the Beast Dan Severn. Owen grabs a chair. The Rock performs
 the Rock Bottom. Mark Henry jumps on Dan Severn. They then wrap his
 ankle in the chair. Owen Hart goes to the top ropes but is held back
 by officials. 

 Video clip of Austin performing at Celebrity Deathmatch.

 Video clip of McMahon in a squad car.

 EDGE Promo. This guy looks like HHH. I'm I the only one that sees the

 Jackyl comes out with Crackhead Bob and Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf.
 These guys are from the Howard Stern show. Jackyl talks about how
 People Magazine voted Hank the #1 Most Beatiful person in the world.
 Jackyl calls out the rest of his oddities. They include Princess
 Luna, John Tenta in a mask, and Paulo Silva (I think). A tall giant,
 who is about 7 foot 4. 

 ** Match 3: Golga (John Tenta) vs. Thrasher **

 Winner: Golga 

 Tenta has lost a lot of weight and looked pretty good. The match
 started in a slow pace. Golga then wins with a Powerslam. Mosh come
 in but then the giant come in and nails the ref. 

 Clip of Al Snow in the top rows of the stadium in a mask.

 Clip of McMahon in the squad car again.


 ** 4th Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Vader **

 Winner: Vader by DQ

 Tennessee Lee introduces JJ and he comes out to the normal fireworks
 and everything. Pretty good entrance. While Vader makes his way to
 the ring JR talks about another DX Invasion and some new footage. 

 RAW goes to commercials while JR is saying that something is going on
 in the locker room. JR says that Vince McMahon may be released. Vader
 looked pretty good in this match. Vader nails a splash on JJ and
 covers but Tennessee Lee distracts the ref. Vader takes control of
 the match. He covers him again and Tennessee Lee distracts the ref
 again. Vader confronts Tennessee Lee and JJ attacks him from behind.
 Vader comes back though and sets JJ up for a big splash. He connects
 but then Kane comes out and assaults Vader. The match ends in a DQ.
 Kane slams Vader and then clotheslines him over the top rope. Kane
 throws him into the steps. 

 Clip of Vince McMahon being let out of the car. Austin asks him to
 apologize and Mcmahon says some wise crack. Austin then says that
 McMahon will stay in the handcuffs and reluctantly Mcmahon apologizes
 and is released. Austin also says that if someone voluntary wants to
 come down and make sure that Mcmahon refs fairly on Sunday, that
 McMahon will accept that. McMahon agrees. I'd say this will
 definately be Dustin Runnels. We'll have to wait until Sunday to find

 McMahon, Patterson, and Briscoe make their way slowly out to the
 ring. McMahon looks depressed and down. It looks like he has been
 through hell. McMahon yells at Austin and says no WWF superstar will
 stop him from achieving his goal. He demands that Austin will take on
 the Undertaker later in the show. 


 Clip of the DX Invasion. Road Dog is dressed out in some funny
 goggles and hat. They are at an Airport. HHH says he will fly the
 plane in this mission. They all hug each other. HHH gets in the wrong
 plane and Bad Ass points to the right plane. Then it goes back to

 Al Snow comes down and demands to talk to Vince McMahon. Security
 comes out and escorts him out of the building.

 ** 5th Match: Taka Michinoku vs. Togo **

 Winner: Taka Michinoku 

 Taka from the start does a springboard cross body on Togo. He then
 performs some nice kicks. He then does a top rope dropkick. Togo then
 does a Cannonball off the apron on Togo. Some pretty good moves were
 performed by both wrestlers. There were quite a few of near falls but
 nobody could get the win. Taka went for a Tornado DDT but Togo
 countered. Then Taka nailed a hurricanrana for the win. The rest of
 Kaentia come in and attack Taka. One member Powerbombs him and the
 other Sin Ta Bombs him or something. Kaentia leave through the ring. 


 Another clip of the DX Invasion. All of DX are talking at the airport
 except for HHH, who isn't there. They just talk about stupid things. 

 Video clip of last week when Marc Mero presented the contract of

 ** 6th Match: Marc Mero vs. Faarooq **

 Winner: Faarooq 

 Sable disrobes Marc but their is obviously some tension. Mero uses
 Sable as a shield at first. Farooq powerslams Marc Mero. The action
 goes to the outside. While Farooq was distracted by Sable, Mero nails
 him and takes control of the match. Mero and Sable yell at each
 other. Mero hits a running knee lift. Marc then gives Farooq a DDT.
 Sable jumps up to the top rope and starts arguing. Farooq then hit
 him from behind and pins him for the win. Mero tells Sable to find
 any WWF superstar and he'll fight him at Over the Edge. If Sable's
 man wins she is released from the contract. If Mero wins then Sable
 has to leave the WWF forever. 

 Video clip of a dedication to Pat Patterson. Showed old footage of
 when he wrestled and him broadcasting.

 Video clip of HHH acting like he was flying a plane over the WCW
 arena. The plane kept making messages in the sky making fun of WCW.
 This was pretty funny.

 ** 7th Match: The Rock vs. HHH **


 Rock grabs the mic and talks about Farooq. Rock says he saves the
 last for the absolute worst, ole HHH. He talks bad about DX. The best
 music ever plays and HHH makes his way down to the ring. Match
 started off slow wit a couple of submission moves. Didn't see much of
 the 1st part of this match. Mark Henry and Chyna go nose to nose for
 a second. The match goes to the outside. When the action goes back to
 the ring the Rock takes control. He punches him about 10 times in the
 corner. Then with the ref distracted Mark Henry chokes HHH. Then Rock
 nails HHH with the Intercontinental Belt. The Rock goes for the cover
 but Chyna pulled him off. Then it goes to commercials. The Rock nails
 HHH with the big elbow. He only got a 2 count. HHH gives the dx sign
 to Mark Henry and Chyna sneaks up from behind and nails the Rock with
 the belt. HHH then suplexes him. Mark Henry then attacks HHH on teh
 outside. Chyna grabs a chair and nails Mark Henry. Both wrestlers go
 to the outside and it ends in a double countout. Farooq comes out and
 attacks The Rock. He piledrives him on the entrance way.

 ** 8th Match: Stone Cold vs. Undertaker **


 At the beginning Vince McMahon is announced as the special guest
 referee. Undertaker comes out first. The Undertaker stares at Vince
 McMahon. Undertaker chokeslams Vince McMahon. As Undertaker is about
 to Tombstone him Kane comes down and attacks Undertaker. They brawl
 on teh outside. Pat Patterson & Briscoe come in and then Austin come
 out. He stuns Pattersona and Briscoe. Austin wraps McMahon up in the
 ropes and about nails him a chair but then Dude Love come out. Austin
 nailed him with a chair. Then RAW goes off the air.