M.M.'s     Collection of Postcards

My collection now has exactly   5,492 postcards from 142 different countries
and it is made up of an assorted range of Stadiums and Ballparks:
Football (Soccer) , U.S. Football , Baseball , Rugby , Cricket   and  Olympic Stadiums.

Besides, I'm also interested in US Arenas and Domes although only where usually have grass or green artificial surface, or from the NBA.

This list is divided in three sections (Europe, America & Rest of the World)   and the cards are sorted by Country, City and Stadium Name.

The flags below show the countries from where I have at least one real postcard, belonging to no collector's series.

Top 10

EUROPA  3073 cards
| Albania | Andorra | Armenia | Austria | Belarus | Belgium | Bosnia and Herzegowina | Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Denmark | Estonia | Faroe Islands | Finland | France | Georgia | Germany | Greece | Hungary | Iceland | Ireland | Israel | Italy | Latvia | Liechtenstein | Lithuania | Luxembourg | Macedonia | Malta | Moldova | Monaco | Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russia | San Marino | Slovakia | Slovenia | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Yugoslavia .

AMERICA  2105 cards
| Antigua and Barbuda | Argentina | Bahamas | Barbados | Belize | Bolivia | Brazil | Canada | Chile | Colombia | Costa Rica | Cuba | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | El Salvador | Guatemala | Guyana | Haiti | Honduras | Jamaica | Mexico | Netherlands Antilles | Nicaragua | Panama | Paraguay | Peru | Puerto Rico | Trinidad and Tobago | United States | Uruguay | Venezuela .

Rest of the WORLD  314 cards
| Algeria | Angola | Australia | Azerbaijan | Bahrain | Benin | Brunei | Cameroon | Cape Verde | Chad | China | Congo | Cook Islands | Egypt | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Fiji | Ghana | India | Indonesia | Iran | Iraq | Japan | Kampuchea | Kazakhstan | Kenya | Lebanon | Lybya | Macau | Madagascar | Malaysia | Mali | Mauritius | Mongolia | Morocco | Mozambique | Nepal | New Zealand | Nigeria | North Korea | Oman | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Qatar | Samoa | Sao Tome and Principe | Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Singapore | South Africa | South Korea | Sri Lanka | Syria | Taiwan | Tanzania | Thailand | Togo | Tonga | Tunisia | Uganda | United Arab Emirates | Uzbekistan | Zimbabwe .

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Last updated on March 5, 2001
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Designed by Miguel Manjoya

America Europe Rest of the World