Welcome to SCOTT's Sports Arena
Hello!! Thanks for coming!! My name is Scott, I'm 22 and live in Silver Spring, Maryland

As you can tell I'm a Big Soxs and Beatles fan. I've lived in many parts of the United States. My father is in the Coast Guard. So I've lived in NewPort Rhode Island from birth 74 to 76,the boston area from 76 to 78 in Gloucester Mass.,78 to 79 on the cape,79 to 81 in South Weymouth Mas., 80 to 84 in Brokton Mass., 84 to 87 in Honolulu Hawaii,87 in Governors Island New York (NYC), then to Grand Haven Michigan for 1/2 a year, Back to NY till 91, then We went on to Effort Pa (Near the Pocono International raceway for you nascar fans) was there till 95,Then I went on my own (YES!!) to SilverSpring. In all that time I played Varsity BaseBall for Three differnt High Schools (Humanitees high in NYC, Curtis in Staten Island, Pleasant Valley high school in Broadheadsville Pa). I still play in an Adult league in Th DC area. I work At SaLUT, Soil and Land Use Technology,Inc as a Cadd/Draftsman. I also go taking night class at Montgomery College for Computer Science.
I have Two Brothers Ryan(20) and Frankie(19), two step-sisters Renee(17) and Andrea(16) and a Half Brother Alex(5). My Dad lives in Effort, Mom in GrandHaven.

The ChatHouseIs my favorite chat
Come visit my handle there is duh?

Here are some songs, I haven't figured out how to launch right it away yet so if you know e-meil me thanks!!
The Simpsons Theme

My BEATLES song of the week is
I read a news today, oh boy, About a lucky man who made a grade, And though the news was rather sad, Well, I just had to laugh. I saw the photograph. He blew his mind out in a car, He didn't notice that the lights have changed, A crowd of people stood and stared, They've seen his face before, Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords. I saw a film today, oh boy, The English army had just won the war, A crowd of people turned away, But I just had a look, Having read a book, I'd like to turn you on... Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head, found my way downstairs and drank a cup, and looking up I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my head, made the bus in second flat, found my way upstairs and had a smoke, and somebody spoke and I went into a dream I heard a news today, oh boy, four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire, and though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all, now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall, I'd love to turn you on.

© 1996 statu@pop.erols.com

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