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As the Rah-Rah person that I am, I have to include a CAL Spirit page.

Me and Liz sportin' our Bear Claws and blue nail polish before the Alamo Bowl game. I bleed blue and gold and "r-e-d" (bleck!) isn't a part of my vocabulary. Go Bears!

Hats off to the CAL BAND for all their hard work and support for CAL Athletics. They embody the true meaning of CAL Spirit. Thanks for the memories!


The California Alumni Association has many things to offer CAL alums. I am a member of the Golden Bear Club. We meet weekly during football season to discuss CAL football as well as to hear someone speak from the Athletic Department. Also, we watch game tapes and hear the inside scoop from the football coaching staff. If you are a die hard football fan like me and my friends, this is the club for you! Come join us!


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