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Welcome to the JSEAL team home page! First, let me say for all the people who insist on sending me e-mail and signing our guestbook with stupid comments, we have never and never will claim to be US Navy SEALs. Our team name, JSEAL, stands for Junior Special Education, Athletics, and Leadership. We take high school students and turn them into leaders. We are a national paintball competition team based out of Tallahassee, Florida. We use a mixture of SWAT and US Navy SEALs tactics. We are trained by a former Navy SEAL, CPO Paul Hauge, USN Ret. We specialize in PAINTBALL and other combat simulations. We have two teams: Alpha and Bravo. Our team members include:


Adam "MidKnight" Hyman- Commanding Officer

Wade "Raven" Polk- Executive Officer

Drew "Inferno" Mensinga- Sargeant at Arms


John "Wolf" Mensinga Will "Thor" Roberts

David "Iceman" Hale

Daniel "Viper" Taylor

Ricky "Wolfman" Jernigan

Josh "Joker" Harrison

Ray "NoName" McClellan

These are the silent killers of the JSEAL team. We are an excellent team- we're always looking for competitions and challenges. **If you would like to play us, use the E-mail button at the bottom of the page and e-mail us a challenge. **AND PLEASE- IF YOU PLAN TO TALK BAD ABOUT OUR TEAM- **DONT JUST TALK**, PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS, AND CHALLENGE US.**


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Links to other sites on the Web

Tippmann industries. One of the best suppliers. Great guns.
Warpig- The comprehensive paintball resource.
Bizpro- a paintball supplier specializing in packages.
A list of commonly played paintball games.
An outline of paintball with answers to FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions.)
Solaria games- An EXCELLENT internet game site.
THE SWAT teams and Special Ops page

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Site designed by Adam Hyman. E-mail designer here. Thanks to Geocities for giving us their space for free. Also thanks to our sponsors: Our parents, Close Quarters, Inc. and CPO Hauge. SEAL paintball competition team, 1996.

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