Looky here, these links are arranged in a very special fashion... while I'm not sure what it is, I have made sure to stick by it.  If you want these links and more in an inclusive, sense-making way, I suggest that you look for that on my personal page, which is slightly less random, yet more random in a Zen sort of way.  Only a smattering of important things can be found here, so DEAL WITH IT!
The Daily Californian The Cal daily newspaper online! I write for them :)
Golden Bears Athletics Go Bears!
ESPN Sportszone  My personal favorite source for sports scores/news
The Official Dodgers homepage The only real baseball team
An Eric Karros Page My favorite baseball player
Dread Pirate Roberts' Princess Bride Page One of the best Princess Bride pages out there
My Beckett sports card want list Visit this site to see what cards I need
Paula's Homepage The homepage of my lovely girlfriend Paula