Guestbook "Dougtone"
Total: 131 guests
Name: Wilkies
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Norhole
Time: 1998-10-06 23:36:03
Comments: I am not a crook

Name: Swankovic
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Bingotown
Time: 1998-10-06 23:36:37
Comments: Dooglass is a mofo....

Name: stan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-10-05 21:31:13
Comments: You are a dork

Name: Alee
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Albany
Time: 1998-10-03 15:33:37
Comments: I have no clue what to type here but it was a pretty cool page and just had to love the pic of the badet or whatever the hell is was. Later Alee

Name: Charla Blum
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Baldwinsville NY (syracuse) where we have good P&C's!!
Time: 1998-10-02 17:27:57
Comments: Doug, youre an awesome guy and a kiss ass(as you would say) friend. I'm glad I met you and katie and damn long islanders. keep up the dougliness. Gotta love that!! Rock on Rangers!!!

Name: Nicole Lajoie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Massachusetts
Time: 1998-10-01 13:37:51
Comments: This is cool web page but I was really looking for the song "Stairway to Heaven" if you would like to saend that to me please. I am trying to make a web page and I have searched everywhere for this song and I can't find it anywhere. Thank you, Sincerely, Nicole Lajoie

Name: Farlcoth
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-09-28 01:57:49
Comments: You have a very well put together page, and is one of the better pages I have seen on the web. You tell us what we are seeing and don't make us guess. If your band is run as well as this you have a really good chance. The best of luck! Farlcoth

Name: you suck
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: pa
Time: 1998-09-27 18:37:19
Comments: this page sucks big shit

Name: Yo Baby
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-09-18 19:38:15
Comments: I wanna fuck! blondee17

Name: Scott Perrone
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Barnesboro PA
Time: 1998-09-18 00:33:37

Name: yvette migliore
Referred by: AOL
From: nj
Time: 1998-09-14 20:07:52
Comments: rick i love you and u kick ass!!!! so come pick me up one day.

Name: Ed kouma
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1998-09-12 01:35:46
Comments: Cool web page. Found this looking for car parts. Was attached to your friends page. Got an 89 Dodge Dakota in need of a 5 speed transmission. Know of me.

Name: the rust dog
Referred by: Signing another Guestbook
Time: 1998-09-11 13:25:32

Name: conan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: london,k.y.
Time: 1998-09-11 13:13:20
Comments: Um, I don't know how I got here but I want to go home!

Name: conan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: london,k.y.
Time: 1998-09-11 13:14:02
Comments: Um, I don't know how I got here but I want to go home!

Name: conan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: london,k.y.
Time: 1998-09-11 13:09:10
Comments: Um, I don't know how I got here but I want to go home!

Name: Jamey Sadownick
Website: Psycho's Psychadelic Homepage
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Woodstock, NY
Time: 1998-09-06 14:29:04
Comments: Hey Doug don't forget Elephants need Viagra too. nice page Falco Forever James

Website: STIC Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: STIC
Time: 1998-08-25 12:34:23
Comments: Tired of watching a boring hockey team that never improves? Tired of not getting your money's worth when attending Islanders games? Tired of billionaire owners who want you to pay 100% for their new arena without proving they will improve the team? Join STIC, The Save The Islanders Coalition. STIC is a not for profit fan advocacy group made up of fed up Isles fans and local business people dedicated to seeing the on ice product improve before any tax funding is handed to the current corrupt ownership for a new building. STIC is currently mobilizing and we need your help and participation. Stic has meetings scheduled in the upcoming weeks with local elected officials and is planning an open meeting and pettiton campaign. Find out what you can do to help. Visit our website at the above hyperlink, and e-mail us at STIC84@ There is strngth in numbers.

Name: jesus jones
Website: shit
Referred by: Yahoo!
From: my ass
Time: 1998-08-24 17:36:50
Comments: i just smelled my ass and its nowhere near as bad as your page stinks. i could have more fun licking an ashtray i just fucked your mom and she SAYS your psge is a bunch of crap also. oh and you're an idiot too. you're page is for me to poop on signed triumph the comic dog

Name: jo
Referred by: From a Friend
From: los angeles
Time: 1998-08-21 00:56:42
Comments: I thought your page was great. Hope to see new one soon.

Name: Jared Rokitowski
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Newark , NY
Time: 1998-08-11 18:24:10
Comments: I just thought I'd drop by to say HI!!!!!

Name: Michelle my Bell
Website: *FrOzEn ChIcKs*
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Down Under
Time: 1998-08-10 01:33:31

*L* So Doug did you like my last message to you? I am sorry that I wrote so big in your guestbook but I can't help it, I always have to be the centre of attention!! I just emailed you so write back ok? Can you tell I am bored? I am just typing away here. Anyhow later aligator, I need some food!

Name: Michelle my Bell
Website: *FrOzEn ChIcKs*
Referred by: From a Friend
From: Down Under
Time: 1998-08-10 01:30:26

*raspy voice* Doug this is your Godfather speaking. Your page is brilliant and don't listen to what anyone else says. Did you take care of Johnny like I told you to? If you didn't it's you, me and a long drive in the country. I have another offer to make you that you can't refuse...I'll be in contact!

The Don.

Name: Jake
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: MY MOMMY!!!:)
Time: 1998-07-08 16:55:30
Comments: Doug Rocks!!!

Name: Danielle Vigneaux
Website: N/A
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Smithtown, NY
Time: 1998-06-10 11:55:01
Comments: Doug rocks.

Name: michael morrad javidi
Website: eat me
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: japan
Time: 1998-06-09 12:27:45
Comments: hi doug

Name: Jeff Hersh
Website: Ersh Net
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Smithtown
Time: 1998-06-08 12:27:09
Comments: your page is cool

Name: Steve Masom
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Smithtown
Time: 1998-06-08 12:03:55
Comments: Great Page.

Name: The PaNaCeA
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New York State (where we rock the most rhyme)
Time: 1998-06-08 10:03:15
Comments: Good page, but updates are strongly recommended.

Name: An Islanders Fan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: the East Coast
Time: 1998-06-08 09:55:44
Comments: Cool page! :P

Name: someone you don't know
Referred by: Xoom
From: somewhere on Lawn Guyland
Time: 1998-06-08 09:52:42
Comments: your page is the epitomy of uselessness

Name: Mike
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Where your from.
Time: 1998-06-05 20:57:27
Comments: The page is cool. You should put a link on your page for the shot putters. Keep it cool and good luck in SUNY Oswego, Oswego N.Y. He He

Name: Larry Coleman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Smithtown
Time: 1998-06-05 10:56:28
Comments: good page dougtone

Name: Larry Coleman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Smithtown
Time: 1998-06-05 10:54:18
Comments: good page dougtone

Name: chad west
Website: dont have one but want one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: monroe michigan
Time: 1998-05-22 10:38:57
Comments: whats up? do have any links to get to some lyrics for some of my favorite bands like led zepplin and lynard skynard?

Name: Nicole Totino
Website: not sure
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Pittsburgh, PA
Time: 1998-05-21 09:34:22
Comments: Hi Doug! I like your homepage. It's interesting. See you later!

Website: N O N E
Referred by: From
Time: 1998-05-19 12:20:28

Name: Rob Schnitzer
Website: none
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: SmithToWN
Time: 1998-05-18 22:29:04

Name: jeff harris
Website: i don't have one
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: nesconset, ny
Time: 1998-05-12 20:21:05
Comments: hey dougtone, your site is mint. cool pictures from france. you even got one with me in it. i enjoy the subterfuge part of your page too, because they are the greatest band ever. well, anyone can e-mail me sometime if they want. thanks.

Name: Kristophe Walace
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Red Deer,Alberta,Canada
Time: 1998-05-05 04:07:50
Comments: It's a great web page and I will come back again!!!

Name: 2dipp(matt clinton)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: mi , mason
Time: 1998-05-04 09:25:51
Comments: i was looking for led zepplin and stumbled on to this site. seeya

Name: The Crow
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: hell
Time: 1998-05-03 01:25:37
Comments: ithoughtthiswasgoingtobeaLedZepplinpage!whathehellisthispage?!

Referred by: Just Surfed On In
Time: 1998-04-22 11:35:12

Name: jory robison
Website: griefs home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: blackfoot
Time: 1998-04-20 12:18:31
Comments: i thought that you had pics of jenny mcarthy , carmen electra, kiss , and led zepplin"? where the hell are they ? you shouldnt advertis them if you dont have them up! all you have is some stupid fucking picture of some fucking gay car!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!!!

Name: Nick Spano
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Schenevus,NY
Time: 1998-04-12 23:03:23
Comments: You have a pretty cool page

Name: JILL
Website: star8808
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: dallas, texas
Time: 1998-04-11 17:11:17
Comments: just droped in 2 check out ur homepage. i don't know if u remember me off of icq, but ur on mine so i thought i would check out ur page! go check out my pages and leave me a message 2 let me know that u were there. take care later xoxoxo 'lilly-jill'

Name: kaija
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Banff, Alberta, Canada
Time: 1998-04-09 01:02:39
Comments: hello from the great white north!

Name: Christian
Website: Christian's World
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Germany / Texas
Time: 1998-03-26 13:18:50

It cant be that bad living so close to Manhattan, at least you dont live in the middle of hick world USA. Anyways come visit me if you got the time, Just wave the cursor over the magic banner.

Name: Jolene aka A Silver Frog from Mars
Website: Please sighn my guest book as well!*S* Thanx!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Silverdale, Washington State
Time: 1998-03-25 22:32:36
Comments: took for ever but I'm here...Doug, your the first person I know from New York..wich is cool!*S* Glad to know ya!

Name: Jonna Silver
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: Sweden/Finland
Time: 1998-03-24 04:26:39
Comments: I love Tommy Salo!

Name: BeCKi
Website: MuH pAgE
Referred by: Just Surfed On In
From: england
Time: 1998-03-21 16:39:12
Comments: Heya Cool page it rules... Nice pic to :) Well i havent actually finished lookin at ur page, so i'll go do that now.. bybeybye

Name: Super Sud
Website: Super Stud's Home Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Michigan
Time: 1998-02-23 08:07:25
Comments: Great Page Man

Name: Charles Florio
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Long Beach NewYork
Time: 1998-02-22 21:40:50
Comments: Please Let The Ownership Madness Stop

Name: Erin
Website: Erinland
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NY
Time: 1998-02-07 16:33:53
Comments: Hey Doug! I talked to you on WBS over the probably dont remember me but oh well. I was just looking at my old WBS page and I saw your link so I decided to come. Anyways...come to my new (better) page and see what ya think. Talk to ya later!

Name: Peter S.
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: st.albert, alberta, canada
Time: 1998-02-05 03:02:40
Comments: like the music, just looking for a job

Name: Rob
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Smithtown
Time: 1998-01-23 23:11:38
Comments: Subterfuge kicks major ass!

Name: Fallon Glendenning ( sag4life)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: New Brunswick, Canada
Time: 1998-01-18 09:37:36
Comments: e-mail me sometime soon.....

Name: John
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Bridgehampton, Long Island
Time: 1998-01-17 11:10:37
Comments: Great Page. Let's go Islanders!

Name: Rebecca Fish
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Canberra, Australia
Time: 1998-01-02 00:25:34
Comments: Hi Doug!! Looks great! I really should make myself a homepage! Talk later Bec

Name: Kyle
Website: Kyles HomepageI know, not very creative
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: MO
Time: 1998-01-01 20:25:01
Comments: Hey cool page, see mine sometime at
Visit Kyles Homepage... Sign my guestbook... blah blah blah...

Name: Katrina
Website: i cant remember
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Upstate New York
Time: 1997-12-30 09:34:33
Comments: hey Doug nice page... dont let anyone tell you differant you are cute *WHISTLE* cant wait to see you when you come upstate *LONG KISS* talk to you soon..... =oÞ

Name: Allison Spaude
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wisconsin
Time: 1997-12-23 17:36:46
Comments: Hey Doug!! Nice homepage =) One of these days I'll find mine and fix it *S* So hmm .. don't really know what to write! Hope you're doing good, and guess I'll talk to ya later! bye!! Allison =)

Name: Erin
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ontario Canada
Time: 1997-12-23 11:46:14
Comments: Love the homepage! I'm glad I checked it out.

Name: Millie
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nesconset
Time: 1997-12-15 15:27:01
Comments: hi doog!!

Name: Katie Gilchrist
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: school
Time: 1997-12-12 13:41:00
Comments: you told me to sign your guestbook, so I did. Are you happy now??? :)

Name: Evan
Website: Fichaud Fan Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Long Island
Time: 1997-12-09 18:51:00
Comments: Hey, nice page! can't wait 'till the other D-man links are workin'. If you have time PLEASE check out my page and sign my guestbook also. Once again Cool Pgae just get those other D-men pages working. C-Ya!!!!

Name: Kristen Mollica Truley A Fallen Angel
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-12-07 18:05:00
Comments: I can't believe you are gonna be living in Syracuse I could give you a kiss. *Kiss from me to you!* Anyway just thought Id sign your guest book and give you my email. Love kris email me!

Name: Katie Goehle
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NY
Time: 1997-12-05 10:10:00
Comments: Hi Doug, How are you? See ya ---Katie

Name: Kellyann Quigley
Website: Quiggles Nemesis
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: NY
Time: 1997-12-05 10:15:00
Comments: Doug You are very "special" --Kelly and Katie

Name: Stephanie K.
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New Hampshire
Time: 1997-12-03 15:45:00
Comments: Cool page, keep up the good work!!

Name: Amanda Mills
Rate This Page: 69
From: Armour S.D
Time: 1997-11-29 19:28:24
Comments: Comments: nice page man . I enjoyed your picture, you are right it is kinda ugly.

Name: mike poulos
Rate This Page: rad
From: smithtown
Time: 1997-11-25 18:50:49
Comments: doug is cool

Name: BRAK80
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: TEXAS!!!!!
Time: 1997-11-19 18:06:12
Comments: Comments: Show me the way O great one!! Great page!! Email me with info about how to do it. What is your best throw in disk??

Name: Christina
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ontario
Time: 1997-11-16 05:39:30
Comments: Hi Doug! Remember, a long time ago, I told you I would come back and sign your guestbook? it is! :) It's a great page!! C ya around! *s* Christina

Name: Subterfuge Fan
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Smithtown
Time: 1997-10-31 18:19:08
Comments: Subterfuge kicks! :-)

Name: Douglas Kerr
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Long Island
Time: 1997-10-25 15:38:48
Comments: test

Name: ki
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-09-30 12:43:00
Comments: this band rules

Name: gregg
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: nowhere
Time: 1997-09-28 16:22:00
Comments: this band sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Jon Jordan
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Commack, well, now Tallahassee
Time: 1997-09-24 21:06:00
Comments: Hey Doug, when does the Whale get added?

Name: Deanna Tortorello
Website: Deanna's New Jersey Devils Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Joisey
Time: 1997-09-17 17:55:00
Comments: Hiya Doug! Great Page! :) Keep up the good work....see ya on IRC! Deanna

Name: Linda
Website: Linda's Little Contribution to the Web
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Islanders land..
Time: 1997-09-17 08:22:00
Comments: Hi... i'm a member of the islanders mailing list, and i always see your sig, and i finally made it over to the page. Pretty cool! Well, take care, i must run off to class.. i'm a computer science major at Hofstra and do sys admin at an internet service provider. That's right, two steps from the coliseum. That's the only reason i went to Hofstra. Drop me an email! -- Linda

Name: Cameron
Website: Cameron's Hockey Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: California
Time: 1997-09-11 21:02:00
Comments: A cool page!!!!!!!!!! Go DEVILS!!!!!!!

Name: Cathy
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Rockhampton, Australia
Time: 1997-09-09 05:51:00
Comments: private messages suck!!! i always want to read them, but obviously i can never crack the pas word. i'm glad you picked the Packers for a win this week. i bet you they win the Super Bowl again!!!!!!! how do you get the blood to drip? (very tricky!! but you know i'm computer illiterate!!) see you xx

Website: gottaluvosgood
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: toledo, oh
Time: 1997-09-01 14:12:00

Name: Douglas Kerr
Website: Doug's Nothin' Page
Referred by: Advertisment/Brochure
From: boring, artificial Nesconset, Long Island
Time: 1997-08-26 10:03:00
Comments: I'm bored, so I signed my own guestbook.

Name: Dan Walsh
Website: New York Islanders
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Wantagh, NY
Time: 1997-08-24 20:19:00
Comments: Ok, since you seem to be in the business of "borrowing" images from everyone's sites, (Mostly mine), let me give you some advice. It is inappropriate and/or illegal to take an image from another site and duplicate it on your own site (direct link or file duplication) without prior authorization from that sites' webmaster. So, If you'd like to use my images found on my site it would be in your best interest to ask me.

Name: Devin, your brother
Referred by: SimpleNet
From: Same house as you
Time: 1997-08-22 13:42:00
Comments: Hey Doug... Um, what's up with that guy who signed your guestbook before me? I guess he must really hate the isles... Well, I got bored and decidied to drop a note to you. c-ya

Name: Dave H
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Westbury, LI
Time: 1997-08-20 23:13:00
Comments: Hey, Doug. I see your posts on the Isles mailing list. You have a Way Cool web site. Love the picture of the Coliseum and Denny Potvin hoisting the Cup. Ditto for the starting 6. Keep up the good work!

Name: Mildred
Website: Mildred's HomePage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Same neighBORE hood as you, NESCONSET
Time: 1997-08-19 18:17:00
Comments: I am stalkin you Doug. Kiddin ~~~~~MildreD~~~~~

Name: Ian Keip
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ontario
Time: 1997-08-17 08:39:00
Comments: How do you join your league I am interested.

Name: Ian Keip
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Ontario
Time: 1997-08-17 08:38:00
Comments: How do you join your league I am interested.

Name: Conor Meagher
Website: Under construction
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Leawood, KS
Time: 1997-08-14 08:36:00
Comments: The isles are my favorite team!

Name: Mildred
Website: Mildred's HomePage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nesconset, same as YOU!
Time: 1997-08-10 19:58:00
Comments: I am stalking you Doug, good page

Name: Keith Tiz
Website: nill
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Long Beach, New mExico
Time: 1997-08-03 18:11:00
Comments: Hey, cool page. Keep it up and GO ISLES!

Name: Niamh
Website: my pretty little page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Red Hook NY
Time: 1997-08-03 18:00:00
Comments: Nice page Doug.. now that I finally got to it without my damn computer crashing!!

Name: Stephanie Kvam
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: New Hampshire, USA
Time: 1997-08-01 14:24:00
Comments: Hey Fichaud1...remember me from ICQ???? Nicknames: Katz, katrana

Name: Cantrell
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Deltona Florida
Time: 1997-07-19 19:51:00
Comments: Not too bad a page dude. Keep it up....and I'll be awaiting youre check to clear for doing this.

Name: Lyle Klippenstein
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Time: 1997-07-05 19:45:00
Comments: This is the first time in my life that I didn't see an Islander regular season game. I never cared for the Jets, but I always enjoyed the Islanders beating them. With the usless IHL now predominate in Winnipeg, I depend on websites like yours to keep up to date on Islander issues.

Name: Chelsae123
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Washington
Time: 1997-07-05 18:21:00
Comments: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Steph
Website: PolaHel's Homepage
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: near Toronto Ontario
Time: 1997-07-04 15:12:00
Comments: Now you gotta sign my guestbook, if I ever get one...:P

Name: Blair Freeman
Website: OSHL Home Page
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ottawa
Time: 1997-07-04 13:42:00
Comments: Hi Doug

Name: Jen
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Boston
Time: 1997-07-04 08:22:00
Comments: Oh, so you want comments? Hmm, I'm not feeling too creative today... Want a cool quote? here it is: "And when you lose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown" - Pink Floyd, Animals Who else would I quote?

Name: Jason Roesler
Website: Don't know yet
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Time: 1997-07-03 12:43:00
Comments: Great Page!!

Name: Steve
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Long Island
Time: 1997-07-01 07:52:00
Comments: yo dood its puppa, cool page c ya go islanders

Name: Aaron Bramblett
Website: Stinkey's Local Bands
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Smithown, Ny
Time: 1997-06-28 19:57:00
Comments: Hey! I know John and Rick, i'm working on a web page and subterfuge is on it...but i like yours better. But mine one day will kick ass. Lata' Bro

Name: Bec
Website: Bec's World of Hockey, Punk, Dumb and Annoying Stuff
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Australia
Time: 1997-06-20 01:20:00
Comments: Cool page, hockey rocks and so does punk......seeya

Name: mike
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: canada
Time: 1997-06-13 12:17:00
Comments: awesome page man

Name: Jeffrey
Website: Jeffrey
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hong Kong
Time: 1997-06-12 00:28:00
Comments: The design of your homepage is indeed professional!

Name: Morgan Sipe
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ketchikan AK, USA
Time: 1997-06-11 12:55:00
Comments: Hi, I got your message and decided to write to you. Havent writen to you in a long time when I usually wirte you about every other day. Gotta go Love ya, Morgan

Name: Johan Persson (Sweden)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sweden of course :)
Time: 1997-06-08 04:38:00
Comments: Hi Doug! Nice Page! Looks like you have a lot of 'em... :)

Name: Justin- Quebec Bulldogs GM
Website: Theo Fleury
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Los Angeles
Time: 1997-06-07 21:00:00
Comments: You said to sign it, so here is my entry.

Name: Skcko
Website: Skcko's SAMMI CHENG Gallery
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hong Kong
Time: 1997-06-07 19:46:00
Comments: cool page, your blood is bleeding! page is about a hong kong singer, you may not know her, but will you come to sign my guestbk?

Name: Robbie Morton
Website: Calgary Flames and Mike Vernon
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Saskatchewan,Canada
Time: 1997-05-29 19:14:00
Comments: Nice Isles are gonna take the AAHL..maybe not this year!! :)

Name: Monique
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Alberta, Canada
Time: 1997-05-27 16:05:00
Comments: I love your homepage!!!! *smile*

Name: Jon Jordan
Website: n/a
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: originally, Commack, NY, now in Melbourne Beach, FL
Time: 1997-05-26 09:40:00
Comments: I am also a fellow member of the Isles mailing list so we are already somewhat acquainted (maybe!) Very interested in getting involved in a fantasy league.

Name: Suzanne
Website: don't have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Conshohocken Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-05-26 07:52:00
Comments: hi there! sign your guest book! email me soon!!love Suzanne

Name: Suzanne
Website: Don't have one
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Pennsylvania
Time: 1997-05-20 13:38:00
Comments: Hi there! just thought i would say i like your homepage! email me back sometime! Love Suzanne

Name: Joelie
Website: Joelie's Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nebraska
Time: 1997-05-17 14:05:00
Comments: Nice page, I likes. Check mine out.

Name: KingNthng
Website: AdamNYR's New York Ranger Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Jericho, Long Island (Yeah, another boring LI town)
Time: 1997-05-12 19:01:00
Comments: Hey Doug, Cool page bud (even if it does have the icelanders on it ;) Guess we gotta do something to keep us busy on this boring island ;) Talk to you on IRC

Name: Douglas Kerr
Website: Doug's Slice O' The Web
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Nesconset, Long Island
Time: 1997-05-11 14:29:00
Comments: I'm bored, so I decided to sign my guestbook.

Name: Jamie Dorgan
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Abbotsford BC
Time: 1997-05-11 13:58:00
Comments: AAHL rulez!

Name: Linda Simmons (shortstf)
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: 1997-05-11 11:06:00
Comments: Just thought that i would drop by and take a look...hugs

Name: Dave MacDougall
Website: Davers Hide-A-Way
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Vancouver B.C. Canada
Time: 1997-05-10 21:31:00
Comments: Ok, Ok, I can READ your AAHL instructions and have signed!!! Nice page Doug, great updates and game stats. A lot quicker load than some of the others. dave

Name: Rebecca
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Sweden
Time: 1997-05-12 08:29:00
Comments: Hi Doug! Thought I'd make a stop at your homepage and sign this famous guestbook. Rebecca

Name: Darlene
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: N.Y
Time: 1997-05-10 04:42:00
Comments: awesome page

Name: Ken Mason
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Winnipeg Manitoba Canada
Time: 1997-05-07 14:17:00
Comments: There, I signed your guest book.

Name: moimorgan
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Alaska
Time: 1997-05-06 23:08:00
Comments: I got your page address from your E-mail. I really like it!

Name: Ryan Schurman
Website: AAHL Edmonton Oilers
Referred by: From Geocities
From: Denzil, Saskatchewan
Time: 1997-04-29 16:08:00
Comments: Hey doug how's it going? Just thought i would sign your guestbook for ya.

Name: Brian Walsh
Website: FUCK YOU
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Yitland (We Speak Yittish)
Time: 1997-04-23 19:10:00
Comments: SUP GUYS! I Bet half of you dont read this. But Im The Boston Bruins in this here AAHL! Brian

Name: maria chmura
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: i am from a hicks in the sticks town in new york
Time: 1997-04-20 10:47:00
Comments: hey spiffy, just came to see what your page was chia

Total: 131 guests
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