Volume 1 October 1999


Welcome back. Another fun filled season with the Dolphins has begun. Its wonderful to see all the familiar (I didn’t say old) faces with us again but it is also exciting to see so many new faces poolside. Word must be spreading. For all our new members, please don’t be shy. If there is anything that you are unsure about, speak to any of the committee members, as they are all too happy to help.


Training times for the 1999/2000 season are yet to be finalised. Days and times will be advised in the near future.


Many people ask us if we swim in the rain. The answer is easy. YES! We’re Dolphins and a little more water doesn’t bother us. The only time Thursday nights may be cancelled would be due to a severe electrical storm but usually rain, hail or shine, we’re there.


It’s amazing how quickly the swimming season seems to come to an end and we start having championships. Please ensure that your children are not disappointed at this time because they have not qualified to swim. Children must have attended 8 Thursday nights and have swum each stroke 3 times at the correct distance for their age. Children quickly improve with the regular practice so please keep counting the number of swim night’s left and remember to account for holidays, bad weather and sickness.


Pool buoys and flippers are essential for training and stroke correction. They can be purchased from the club, if you wish. Please see Margaret Mills, at the recording table, for details.


Club T-Shirts, Swimming Costumes, Swim Caps and Sports Bags are now available. If you are interested, please ask at the recording table.


The club would like to recognise the following people for becoming recently qualified.

Sondra Moore- Judging

Phil Craig - Time Keeping

Neil Williams-Time Keeping

Veronica Costello- Check Starting

It’s wonderful that we now have so many qualified people with our club. If you are interested in undertaking the exams, to become qualified, please express your interest to a committee member.


Please look for the sheet of paper in your info pack for the dates and details of upcoming carnivals. This contains all the information that you need on the Zone 4 RSL Youth Club State Championships. Carnivals provide good experience for the children and allow them to swim against other competitors. If you are interested in your child attending a carnival, please speak to Mary Lynch.


Winter training was a big success this year with between 20 and 30 children training on Thursday nights. The club would like to give Kerry and his helpers a huge THANK YOU for giving up their time for the benefit of our kids.


HELP !!!

People to help as assistant coaches. Swimming experience is not necessary but Kerry desperately needs help with the children, at training, in the afternoons. Even one afternoon a week would help. Our club is growing so quickly that we desperately need help in this area. Please speak to Kerry Lynch, if you’d be willing to give it a go.

Helpers- As with any amateur club, the club operates with volunteers. As a club we are growing dramatically, and to keep Thursday nights running efficiently we need more helpers. We have lots of jobs that need doing from running cards from one end of the pool to the other, time keeping, marshalling, to making tea and coffee for our helpers. We are trying to make the Dolphins a family affair, so please offer to help. It’s a great way to meet people and it doesn’t have to take up your whole night. We would also like to get our helpers at the pool by 6.15, if possible, so that we can kick off promptly at 6.30pm.


The Dolphins don’t do a lot of fund raising but we do hold Thursday night raffles (when we’ve got something to raffle.)

If you could help with a donation for our raffle it would be greatly appreciated. Just mention it to a committee member. THANKS!


The Dolphins hire the pool on Thursday nights for our use. Unfortunately if we don’t leave the pool the way we get it- clean, then we will be fined. Could you please ensure that your children are aware of this and that you leave your area tidy.


When the dolphins hire the pool they only hire the 50m pool. Therefore we are not allowed in any of the other pools. These pools are not supervised on Thursday evenings and it is very dangerous to have any child (no matter how well they swim) in a pool without supervision. We know that it is tempting, on a hot evening, to go for a swim between races but it is a definite NO.


Again for the kids safety (and the officials sanity) it has become necessary to ban basketballs, and the like, from Thursday nights. Many children were missing their races because they could not hear the announcements over the bouncing of balls. Also we have had a few minor accidents with so many children being in such a small area. So sorry kids but please keep the balls at home.


It’s great our club is growing but it does mean that we have to be tough with certain rules. Swim cards will not be accepted after 6pm on Wednesdays for the next night swims. Organising heats, for so many children, is a mammoth job and time does not allow us to change them eg from one stroke or distance to another, at the last minute. While we hate to see children not being able to swim and we will do our best to accommodate people where possible, we can’t upset the majority for the minority. To avoid disappointment, consider putting in swim cards on Thursday nights for the next Thursday night’s swims. It is also important that the child’s current best time is on the card. If a child has not swum that stroke or distance before than T/T, for time trial, should be written in the section for time.


While we’re talking tough rules I need to mention a few more. Firstly, children will only be called twice by the marshals before the race will start without them. It is imperative that they listen carefully for their race and that they stay in the marshalling area until they have had their swim. With so many people we cannot hold races while we find children.

Secondly, bad behaviour will not be tolerated at training. Kerry gives up his time voluntarily and should not have to contend with children who are rude or simply don’t listen. After they have been warned they will be asked to leave the training session and not return until their behaviour improves.



If we have any swimmers who are currently holding perpetual trophies from last session we would love to get them back and display them in our new trophy cabinet. Please try to remember to bring them in.


Congratulations to Daniel Gray and Melissa and Carissa Lynch for winning the Dolphins Car Rally this year. Second place went to Veronica Costello and her companions with Michelle and Corina Lockyer coming third. Again we had a great day with 20 cars vying for the trophy despite the inclement weather.


Congratulations to Erin Hodges as she weds Glen Plummer on Saturday the 13th of October. All our best wishes for a long and happy life together. Just make it a quick honeymoon, we need you both poolside!


The Dolphins are holding their club meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, currently, at the Sam Lane Community Centre, Park Street Riverstone at 7.30pm. The next meeting is scheduled for the 13th October and then the 10th November. For a club our size we get very few members at the meetings and we’d love this to change. The meetings are friendly and informal, so come along (even if it’s just to escape the kids for a while). We’ll make you feel welcome.

 See you poolside!

Karen Mellenbergh


Publicity Officer