Welcome To 
Chris' Bills Page

Cool Links to other places:

Rochester D and C

This is a great HyperBills page. Always has lots of new stories and lots of pictures. Probably the best Bills' page on the net.


Two Bills Drive

A really good page that has lots of info every day. Has lots of columns and opinions. Also has a nice feature of having Bills articles that are on other web pages.


Espn Sportzone

'Nuff said. Even better, now you don't have to subscribe to get into the clubhouse.


NFL Page on The SportsNetwork

Always has weekly team notes on every NFL team.
And it has a pretty good Bills Page.


Buffalo Bills news group

Pretty active when the season rolls around and good for news in the off-season, especially out-of-towners.


Click here to listen to Buffalo Bills games on Fan590 out of Toronto live via RealPlayer.

If you don't have RealPlayer Get it here.


And in a totally unrelated topic.

Pictures of my car

(warning this page has lots (5) of big pictures of a really cool car)

Also click here to go to my football Bio!

Tell me what you think and mail me!


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