Selected Available Published English-language
- Donn F. Draeger's books on Japanese bujutsu, budo, and Judo.
- E.J. Harrison's The Fighting Spirit of Japan has sections on
the early history of Kodokan Judo.
- The Original Martial Arts Encyclopedia, Tradition, History, Pioneers
by John Corcoan and Emil Farkas with Stuart Sobel. Page 213 has a reference
to Mitsuyo Maeda ( Eisei Media).2
- Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki's Shimewaza, Judo Masterclass Techniques
from Ippon Books
which contains some information on Ko-sen Judo, p. 72. Ippon books
has an excellent series on Judo techniques.
- John Stevens' Three Budo Masters which has some information
on Maeda, p. 37-38, and Kodokan Judo history.
- Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu by Carlson Gracie, Jr. and Marcus "Conan"
Silveira, with Chris Lemos.
Chris T. Lemos
9550 S.W. 73rd Avenue
Miami, Florida 33156
- Gracie Instructional Manual by Cesar & Ralph Gracie. It's
published by World Martial Arts International.
- Inside Karate magazine: Have the Gracies Ever Lost a Fight?
June 1990, by Done Beu.3
The above books may be ordered
on-line from:
Barnes & Noble
Here's a link to a Japanese dojo that practices
Kosen Judo.
H o m e
Copyright © 1996-1998 George Wang. All Rights