Gareth Jones Falconry Page

I am a member of the South Glos & West Wilts Raptor Club. We meet on the first Monday of the month (excluding Bank holidays) at the Compass Inn Tormarton, just outside Bristol, M5 Junction 18

I have a male Harris Hawk called Blake. I picked him up in August 94 and I have learnt a lot with him. He has had a lot of problems with his feet, splitting and dropping talons. He was never as fit as my friends birds, tiring easily. A blood test showed that there was some kind of tissue damage, this was cleared by the use of antibiotics. At the start of the last moult his wing swelled up and the vet had to remove the wing follicles. I was advised that it didn't look good and that his wing may have to be amputated. I was given antibiotics and creams etc. and he recovered remarkably quickly. I have decided to rest Blake and yesterday (30/08/97) I purchased Furn, a female Harris Hawk that was hatched on the 05/04/97. 
Melvin with Blake (on his shoulder) and Tarra, his female Harris.
Ian Holloway, Bristol Rovers Player/Manager with Blake
Me with Furn 25/10/97. She's coming on but its slow Progress. If I'm able to keep it up you can read of her progress  here. 



  Gary with Kate, must have had a good day ! 

Take a look at the  B.F.C. page