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Pernille Herold´s Home Page

I am a 40 years old Skydiving women from Denmark. I have about 3000 jumps, mostly big formations my biggest are 357 world record. I am a Worlt Team veteran (have been on all 4 off them). I was SL-instrukter and AFF-instruktor. For more then 10 years I have been running a Boogie Schoole, Let´s Boogie in Denmark.

My jump statistic:

0-8 way: 200 jumps - 9-20 way: 500 jumps - 20-50 way: 1750 jumps - 50-100 way: 1250 jumps - 100-200 way: 200 jumps - +200 way: about 40 jumps +300 way 7 jumps. AFF/101 rw: 200 jumps.

I also like to fish.

Pernille Herold, Mågevej 10, 3550 Slangerup, Denmark
Tlf/Fax: (+45) 47380201 E-mail: