As most of you have probably already noticed, I stopped updated this page a long time ago. I still love gymnastics, it just was taking too much time to keep up a page that covered such a variety of information. To everyone who's sent me email asking me to add their link and I haven't, I'm real sorry! To everyone that writes asking if they can use my pictures and stuff, go right ahead! Sorry I never reply to my email, I just have no time! I'm leaving my page up but decided just to leave it like this. About sending me email, if you're going to write me telling me I have some information that's wrong or that I should check my facts, get a life! I was 12 when I started this page, please don't expect it to be perfect, I was just doing it for the fun of it! Thanks so much to all the people who have written me telling how much they like my page, go ahead and write me if you have something nice like that to say, it boosts my ego! I've started a new, hopefully better homepage, PLEASE come visit it! I would love my new page to get some of the response that this page has! The address is found HERE
I have just one more thing to say, you'll have to excuse my shouting but I really need to make my point here. I KNOW THE OLYMPICS WERE IN 1996 AND NOT 1997, IT WAS JUST A CONTEST I DID, I'M NOT THAT STUPID!! Ok, I feel better now. Once again, thanks to everyone!
Last updated August 6
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