High Hopes Acres Home Page!

February 12th 2008. Our Father Tom Passes Away at age 90! I've posted some information for those interested. Thanks to all for the kind words.

Contact us! www.hhacres at hotmail.com

Glad you came to visit!
For those of you that don't know us, the four header photos pretty well sums up where we live. That is to say, in a Mennonite community near a lake and beside one of the best darn trout fishing spots in North America.
Yep just about perfect! Except for the smell of manure!
This is mainly just a page for family and friends to see what we're up to, share a few pictures, and talk about fly fishing, kiting, radio's, motorcycles and trains.
Basically the important things in life.

We'll also keep you up to date with the happenings at "High Hopes Acres."

Happy Birthday Isabella - One Year! PICTURES and "updates" now on the site.

BIG NEWS! Isabella update pictures from the cottage.

Check out the pics from "the millenium
motorcycle tour out east." There are pictures of the tall ships as well.

The motorcycle pics and data are more up to date Feel free to E-mail me with comments. "We're outa here."


"Now how did that train get in there?"

The Places To Go!

Links to other sites on the Web

Wind Climbers Kite Club
Five Men And A River - The French Pictures and stories from our trip.

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