Reasons to Skateboard:
- It is Fun
- To get chicks
- Because you found a board in your garage
- It is Fun
- Some kids going to kick your ass if you don't
- You gotta go somewhere and don't have a car
- It is Fun

Skate Links
Young Punk Skater Page - several links to skateboarding, music, and other miscellaneous
punk pages. It also has several skating pics.
BALANCE - an online skateboard presentation.
Ben's Skate Page - learn how to ollie.
Biohazard - This page contains skateboarding, snowboarding, and music related
Black Warrior Skateboarding Association
Blindside - East Coast photos from around 1990. Many rippin shots.
Capital Seven Films
Cops Eat Donuts - online version.
DansWORLD Skateboarding
ESPNET SportsZone Skateboarding
InterSkate - your source for skateboarding on the net. Sponsored riders, pics, links, news,
letters, and * NeW * sponsored bands! Check this site out!
Jean-Philippe's Skaters Page - Full of Cool Stuff
Matt Desmond's Skateboarding - includes skateboarding pics and quicktime.
Menace's Page- cool stuff here
Ocean Bowl Skateboard Park - information about the Ocean City, MD's special
skateboard facility.
Skate.Net - A big skateboarding page, with product reviews, company information,
videos, links, and more.
sKATEBOARD.com - skateboarding information source
SKaTeBoaRDiNG KiCKS aSS! - Skateboarding Kicks Ass!! Huphtur Magazine now goes
Internet! Lots of skatepics.. graffity... skaterumors... skatelinks... NO OLD STUFF!! Only
new stuff. Updated weekly!!
Skategeezer - dedicated to those who remember such things as Skateboarder Magazine,
Tony Alva and Earth Skis.
Skatemilk Page
SkateTalk - Skatetalk is a webchat site dedicated to skateboarders, but all are welcome.
Thug Skateplanks - skatecompany specializing in phat decks and the east coast scene.
XSYS.com - Online "environment" dedicated to extreme sports (such as aggro In-line,
skateboarding, snowboarding, etc.)
FAQ - alt.skate-board Bands That Rule

If You have any Comments or Find Broken links Email me
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