Your e-mail adress:
Your Name:
Wrestler's Name:
Choose a style for your wresttler:
Amatuer Wrestler:
Top Notch Brawler:
Stiff Martial Artist/Grappler:
Basic High Flyer:
Basic Brawler:
Submission Wrestler:
High Flyer/Good Technician:
US Standard Worker:
Brawler Aerially Skilled:
Technically Skilled Brawler:
Daredevil Flyer:
Finisher Name:
Is finisher submission move? Yes No
Name the move that best resembles your finisher: Please select 3 counters for your wrestler's finisher:
backward kick
cross-body block
double leg-hook
duck-down move
knee pull-up
roll away
side step
What foreign object does your wrestler use?
Divide 200 points between the following categories (none may exceed 100):
How good of a worker your wrestler is:
How much of a push does your wrestler get from the fans:
How much stamina your wrestler has:
Who is your wrestler's manager?
Does manager interfer? Yes No
What object does your manager use?
Can your wrestler do his finisher off the rebound from the ropes?:Yes No
Name the move your wrestler does before going for his finisher:
Will opponet have to be on back or stomach when the wrestler goes for his finsiher?Yes No
Will opponet have to be on top turnbuckle for wrestler to perform his finisher?Yes No
Wrestler's weight:
Is wrestler a bad guy?yes no
Can wrestler be thrown off turnbuckle while performing finisher?yes no
What is the maxium weight an opponet can have for the wrestler to do his finisher?
Will he use chairs? yes no

If your wrestler is accepted you will be notified by e-mail.