News Regarding the Sunny ShrineJuly 5, 1998: Yes, I realize I wanted July 4, but some things are impossible, and that was. Don't worry. I am working on it. I hope to be done soon. Just hang on, and don't hold your breath (I don't need any deaths over this!) However, to help you out, here's what I have done. You know that button on the enter.html page that lets you get notified when the page changes? Well, I have a site here where you can click the button, enter your eMail address, and be notified when I upload the new site. Now, I understand that a lot of you were complaining that because of the GeoGuide, you'd get a teasing eMail everyday saying the page was updated when in fact it wasn't. Because of the GeoGuide rotating the banner when Netmind's robot visited. To counter that, I have disabled all advertisements from that page. When the new site is uploaded, and you have clicked that button, you will get an eMail telling you it's here. No everyday teasers! Interested? Just click here! BTW, while uploading the new pix, I accidently erased the big version of the number picture in the top 10. The small one is still there, but when I get the chance to, I'll get the picture off my old computer and bring it here for you to gawk at again. That's all for now. June 30, 1998: I'm back with some great news! I have started the process of downloading pix from elsewhere on the net and uploading them here. As I said on the main page, the new site will be up in the next couple of weeks. Great, huh? Now, Sunny Shrine will have tonnes more pictures than before, meaning more for you to view. I will add new pages every Sunday starting with the debut (it's called marketing), and they will be arranged by shoot or source of photo. They will not be in a numerical order like the top 10 because any amateur hacker will be able to see them before they debut. You gotta be a real pro to view them before they're unveiled (so if you do view them, you are a pro). In other news, on June 18th I said I'd clean the guestbook, but it would take a long time. The next day, I finished, but I was lazy and didn't report it in here. Now, my guestbook is (according to me) smut free! Finally, any news what happened to Sunny last night on Raw? I heard she was under the weather, but coincidentally, that was when Paul Ellering made his return. Does anyone know where that leaves Sunny? You can post it in the guestbook if you know. Finally, I realize her days with LOD 2000 might be numbered, but I was wondering, there was once a WWF Slam Jam on TSN with Dok Hendrix, and LOD 2000 had an interview on it, and it ended with Sunny going "What a rush!" like she was having an orgasm. Does anybody have it taped? If they do, can they put videos on their computers with a video tuner card? If so, can they take just the sound from it and save it as a wav, au or downloadable ram sound format? If so, can they send it to me at so I may put it on the site? Or, does anyone know if it's already on the web and where I may download it from? Any help would be appreciated. That's it for this post. June 19, 1998: Well, now you can tell I'm updating it more often. I've started cleaning up the guestbook, because there is a lot of posts in there that are very repetitive, namely people asking for nude pics of Sunny. NEWS FLASH: There are none. You get her butt and that's it. Sunny has said she won't pose nude. She said her parents would never forgive her. Onto other things though, like I said, this page could get updated more often now. If you go to Sunny Pic 1, you'll see some changes in there. I found a smaller version of the picture so it can fit on your screen. If you click on it, you get the big picture. I also framed it because it's number 1, so you honour it. Nothing big, because I'm hoping to redesign the site for July 4th or 7th (July 7th being our second anniversary), but most likely the 4th because it's a Saturday, the weekend. I'm not sure, but maybe one day I'll put nudes up. DOWN HORNY TOADS!!! I'm going to censor the unmentionables (Geocities you know) and try to find the picture from which Sunny's head was copied so I can prove they're fakes. One of them is kinda obvious that they painted over her bikini top with fake breasts. However, there is no guarantee because of the server I go through, like I said, doesn't allow viewing porn. But I might get a new server soon. Finally, like I said yesterday, I'm unhappy with the annoying watermark. What I'm going to do is if it keeps pissing me off, then I'll either put codes in the block it, or move to another server like Fortunecity or some other kinda ad-free place. If you want to complain to Geocities, directions are in yesterday's post. Spam is alright with me, but don't mention I sent ya (heh heh!) Finally, the Best of Geocities is coming soon. Vote this site whenever you can (when you can, cause it's not ready yet) to be a Best of Geocities. See you on the Sunny side! June 18, 1998: I'm sure any of you who have seen the index.html page or the enter.html page has noticed that I have made the tables smaller. The reason is that watermark. Geocities has decided to brand our pages. So head over to Geocities Main Page, click all the way to the bottom, and click on "Contact Geocities" and give them all the crap you can about it. If you're wondering why no other pages are made smaller, well, it would be a waste to change those pages just to delete them about a month or two later. The new pages will not have a watermark over any content. BTW, this site has been up for about 2 years (July 7, 1996), and the site design has been like this for 2 years. Does it get boring after a while? *AHEM!!!* (Hint Hint! Summer is here! School is out! Us computer geeks never leave home during the summer and spend all our time at the computer! Hint hint!) March 22, 1998: Because Geocities has been under attack alot about the nature of it's pages, I decided to rate this page with RSACi. Basically, if your rating is set to not allow anything with an N1 rating (RSACi calls it Revealing Attire, which it is), you will not be able to enter the site. Geocities has done a lot for homesteaders like me, and I am a featured site, and it is my responsibility to make sure that children don't come over to this site and I get flamed by parents or have Geocities have to worry about the matter. My site is easily accessible from the main Colosseum page, under three headings, (Wrestling, Cheerleading (that's what Sunny does at ringside) and Women's Sports (A valet for wrestlers could become a sport in itself!)), and children can find this just by surfing around Geocities. You will notice though, that this page and the song page are not PICS enabled. This page would be stupid to lock out, and how much can a sound hurt? March 16th, 1998: I'm sure by now, most of you have noticed that I haven't updated this page in a long time now, probably close to a year, with the exception of the GeoGuide, (not just for the GeoTickets, but mostly because I, like you, hate the popup advertisements). And I'm sorry to say that this page won't be getting updated any time soon. First of all, I have no time. With school and homework, I have no time to do the work. Second, I don't have the resources. On my old computer, I had everything neat and organized and ready to go. I got a new computer reluctantly (I'm sure you've noticed I'm an adolescent, and the purchasing gets done by the parents), and I have a hard time working on this machine. It doesn't have the software I like to use. Third, permission. I use a work connection to access the internet, and they don't allow people to access certain stuff. Modelling photos are one of those things. I'd get a new connection by my parents think "If we have it free, why should we pay?" If things fall into place, by summer, I might be able to start updating again. Like the GeoGuide, if Geocities starts making policies that affect the innocent surfers of the net, then I will update this page accordingly. Unlike other webmasters, even though this page is on hiatus, I'll keep it here for the world to still see. On another note, the world has lost two great wrestling individuals, Brian Pillman and Louis Mucciolo (a.k.a. Louie Spiccoli, Rad Radford). Sunny, has had angles with both stars in the past. We all remember that steamy photo spread in RAW Magazine that turned into an expose of the "secret love affair" of Sunny and Brian Pillman. Brian left behind a wife and five kids. If you would like to send a donation to the Brian Pillman Memorial Fund, which was started by Diamond Dallas Page, send it to:
P.O. Box 10 Union, Kentucky 41091 You can see DDP's tribute page at You can also buy a memorial T-shirt, with all profits going to the Pillman family at the WWF ShopZone or in WWF Magazine. The WCW, as DDP stated, is currently planning a videotape profiling Pillman. Also, Rad Radford was in an angle where he was desperate to join the BodyDonnas, unsuccessfully. He passed away recently. Scoops has information about donating to his Memorial Fund, set up to help his mother pay for the funeral. Here's the address for his:
![]() Image from ScoopsAny help you can give will be appreciated. Please note, I am in no way affiliated with either the Pillman family or the Mucciolo family, or either the WWF or WCW. Finally, I am not Sunny, nor do I know her. I am just a huge fan. Please don't eMail me asking for any nude photos of her, because there are none. Just alot of fakes (Only one even comes close to being good). I can not ask Sunny for anything, or get any autographed pix to you. Please don't send me your address or telephone number. I will disregard it, and it is not reccomended. Thank you for reading. You may return by hitting the back button on your browser. |