Seville is . . .

Fun Facts:

Sevilel is my dog and is 13 years old. She is a pure greyhound from a rescue program.

Seville is a girl. She can still run 30 miles per hour, and does!  It runs around the neiborhood when gets out.

Seville can run, jump over bars, lay down oon command, but not come!

More about my pet:

Seville was a racer that well, never really won. They were going to put her assleep, until we came. Seville now gets all the love and attention and is our only dog.



Neat Links:

- to go outside  and run

- chase moving targets, like rabits.

- long sleeps

- laying on the coutch

- sticking his head out the car window

- going to the vet

- inside the house

- when she is left alone

- water, baths

- her leash


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