Hey everyone I'm finally here and I've brought some friends. Say hello to
John "the Beezer" Vanbiesbrouck, and Paul Kariya! Check my links for even
more pics(and some of my own). I know that this is a hockey page, but if
your looking for laughs, you gotta check out http://www.cbs.com/lateshow.
Dave Letterman rules! Hey download of Dave's lines, memorize it, tell it
to co-workeers/fellow student, great fun. In case you didn't know Ticket-
master sell tickets over the web! Check out the link. Finally on my page
I'll have a "Link of the Week"(self-explanitory). This week: nhl.com! try
it. I'll update weekly so "ya'll comeback now ya here!"
Links to other sites on the Web
The official NHL page
The Florida Panthers offical site
The Netminder
Maskmen(a goalie page)
need tickets-Ticketmaster!
What do you think of my homepage? E-mail me by clicking on my address Thanks!
© 1996 joesmith33@earthlink.net