The Un-Official Home Page of
London, Ontario Canada


History ** Structure & Executive ** 2001-2002 results **
Newsletter ** Beach Stuff ** 2001-2002 Coaches **
2001-2002 Tournament Dates** 2001-2002 Team Rosters**
UWO Volleyball & Home Games Schedule** Contact Us ** Links


Please note that our club has now launched a NEW official website located at Click here to go there now, or have a look at this page and go there later. We will continue to maintain and update this site you are currently on for an indefinite period, but note that tournament results or rosters will no longer be kept here.

The Forest City Volleyball Club has actually been in existence since our President, Vaughan Peckham, started a volleyball program at Saunders High School in 1972. After several name/sponsor changes, our current name became the official name in 1992. Since then, we have an Executive and Board of Directors, we have our own official constitution, are registered as a not-for-profit organization, have gone all-out in fundraising activities, and have our articles of incorporation.

Vaughan has been the driving force behind our organization since its inception, and has always maintained a philosophy of providing London's élite volleyball athletes the opportunity to develop their skills in a competitive setting to the extent of being able to reach national and international levels, and to be fully trained and fully capable of being valuable additions to University and College teams throughout North America. Our Club is one of the private volleyball clubs in Southwestern Ontar io recognized by the Ontario Volleyball Association, thus allowing our players to be eligible to compete in national and international events.

The purposefulness and commitment of our Club Executives, Board of Directors, Coaches and volunteers has only one end, namely to give our players the best volleyball environment possible. This past year our efforts are reflected in the fact that not only are we the largest volleyball club in Canada with 200 members, but also are the winningest club in Canada.

Our players have gone on to populate a variety of teams, including the Canadian National Team, the World Youth Team, the Ontario Provincial Team, our OVA Region 3 Team, and a variety of University and College teams both in Canada and the United States, and have had the opportunity to play in a variety of countries all over the world. One of our alumni is Paul Duerden, currently on the Canadian National Team.

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Our Club is comprised of a an Executive Committee and Board of Directors; a highly-qualified volunteer coaching staff; a staff of parent volunteers; and 11 teams -- one each Bantam Boys & Girls; two Midget Boys & three Midget Girls; two Juvenile Boys & two Juvenile Girls; and one Junior Boys team.

Our Executive Committee is as follows:

Executive Committee

Vaughan Peckham - President and Chairman of the Board; 657.7327
Barry Brownlee - VP-Administration/Media; 472.1964
Lloyd Rumble - VP-Volleyball; 685.9458
Tom Mather - Treasurer; 641.2973
Dawn Simons - Secretary; 473.5886

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Beach Stuff

AVP Tour 2001
For full info, visit the AVP's website by clicking here.

Call Spike's at 673-6847 for info about their tournaments and about their courts. NEW: Spike's has a rock-climbing wall at the far end of their courts. The volleyball courts will remain the same at 3 courts and they will be utilizing the far wall as a 40-ft high climbing wall. The wall was built by people who have built lots of walls, have extensive climbing experience and own two climbing gyms in Toronto.

While you're on the beach, either locally or when on vacation, remember to preserve it and the water so we can enjoy it for years to come. The website of The Surfrider Foundation can show you how. Be sure to go there sometime soon to see all you can do to help your beaches and oceans. It's a good site with lots of info, all created by concerned surfers and beachgoers, who fight the pollution and environmental abuse of our beaches.
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Results are now available at the new club website. To go there, click here.
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2001-2002 ROSTERS

Bantam Boys
Bantam Girls
Midget Boys 1
Midget Boys 2
Midget Girls 1
Midget Girls 2
Midget Girls 3
Juvenile Boys
Juvenile Girls 1
Juvenile Girls 2
Junior Boys

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Our newsletter SIDE OUT is published periodically throughout the year. SIDE OUT is sent free of charge to all members, executives, coaches and associates of our Club, and is distributed to city, area and county elementary and high schools. We welcome and encourage submissions of stories, articles, events notification, and pictures of interest to our players. Click here if you wish to receive a complimentary copy of the latest issue. Go back to top of page


(updates coming soon)
Bantam Boys -
Bantam Girls -
Midget Boys 1 -
Midget Boys 2 -
Midget Girls 1 -
Midget Girls 2 -
Midget Girls 3 -
Juvenile Boys 1 -
Juvenile Girls 1 -
Juvenile Girls 2 -
Junior Boys -

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2001-2002 SCHEDULE
Age Divisions
Check the OVA's website here for schedule and updates.

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Western University's Teams 2001-2002

Many of our club members play for Western each year. Here are this year's athletes. An * indicates club alumni.
Men's Roster for 2000-01
2002 roster coming soon!

(Name (first, last), position, height, course & year, hometown & school)
Luke Schram, LS, 6ft 4in, Kinesiology (3), London ON, Oakridge *
Andrew Rajtek, M, 6ft 5in, Health Sciences (3), Mississauga ON, St. Martin
Chris Gruhn, LS, 6ft 4in, Social Sciences (4), Kitchener ON, Forest D.C.I.
Wesley Vurma, 6ft 2in, ACS (2), London ON *
Arman Lira, S, 5ft 10in, Sciences (2), Ottawa ON, Brookfield HS
Peter Sidler, RS, 6ft 3in, Kinesiology (1), Peterborough ON, Ganaraska Wolves
Jeremy Jonckheere, M, 6ft 6in, Business (4), London ON, South S.C.I. *
John Gadsden, M/LS, 6ft 3in, Engineering (2), Thedford ON, North Lambton SS
Kirk Bugler, L, 6ft 0in, Sciences (3), London ON, Oakridge SS *
Steven Oltean-Lepp, LS, 6ft 3in, Kinesiology (2), Harrow ON, Harrow HS
Jeffery Ranson, RS, 6ft 5in, Business (4), Guelph, ON, Cenntennial C.V.I.
Mike Wilson, LS, 6ft 2in, Social Sciences (4), London ON, R.M.C.
Andrew Coles, M, 6ft 9in, Sciences (4), Brampton ON, Brampton Cent.
Peter Testa, S, 6ft 3in, King's College (4), London ON, Oakridge SS *
Mark Zeleny, 6ft 2in, Toronto ON

Head Coach, Dave Preston

All the games below are HOME GAMES at Alumni Hall. For a full season's schedule, go to the UWO volleyball website by clicking here or call the UWO Athletic Department at 661-3551.

Friday, Saturday, Sunday Oct. 5-6-7 -- Mustang Classic. Call the UWO Athletic Department for times at 661-3551.
Saturday Oct. 20 -- vs. Laurier, 2pm.

Friday, Nov. 2 -- vs. Windsor, 7:30pm.
Saturday, Nov. 3 -- vs. Laurier, 7:30pm.

Saturday Dec. 1 -- vs. York, 3:30pm.

January 2002
Thursday Jan. 10 -- vs. McMaster, 7:30pm.
Tuesday Jan. 15 -- vs. Guelph, 7:30pm.
Wednesday Jan. 30 -- vs. Waterloo, 7:30pm.

Wednesday, Feb. 6 -- vs. Windsor, 7:30pm.
Saturday, Feb. 9 -- vs. Waterloo, 3:30pm.

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To speak to a real, live person about our Club activities, Vaughan Peckham is the man you want. He is also President and Chairman of the Board. He is THE person to talk to regarding our Club. You may also call him voice at (519)657-7327.

We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions about this page, our publications, and about our Club in general. To send us mail, click here.

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There is only one link you need for anything to do with court or beach volleyball anywhere, anytime, anyhow, with links to national, international, FIVB, and world homepages, in addition to lists of worldwide club pages, and that's to Tom Jack's Volleyball Worldwide homepage, which you should already have, but just in case Volleyball Worldwide.

There is only one link you need for volleyball in Canada, with up-to-date results, articles, links, pictures, chat rooms and you name it to do with anything Canadian, and it's here. Canada's premier online volleyball magazine. Bookmark that site and go there every day for Canadian volleyball news.

Another good, comprehensive volleyball site is here for a wide selection of volleyball topics. Expect to spend an afternoon here looking around.

To go directly to the Team Canada homepage, click here.

Lastly, the email address of the Ontario Volleyball Association is and their homepage is located here.

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