A special page for the Pierron Family.

They live near Turin, Italy very close to the base of the Alps.

This site best heard with Crescendo!


Click here to view the photos taken during my stay with the Pierrons May 27-June 6, 2000 


Turin at Night

Turin - Daytime

Andrea, Adriana, and their two children, Flavia and Arianna. Andrea is an aerospace engineer (when he isn't taking an espresso break or late to a meeting), Adriana is a teacher, and Flavia and Arianna are their daughters.

The Pierron Family:
Andrea (don't laugh, he can't help it),
Adriana, Flavia, and Arianna.
Click here to see and listen. (you need RealPlayer to view it)

Is this guy funny looking or what?
How could a guy who looks like this have such a beautiful family?

Arianna - Isn't she cute?

Andrea, Flavia, Adriana, Arianna.

A nice place on the Italian Riviera called Varigotti

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