This page is dedicated to one of the nicest families in Torino
Torino is in Northern Italy, not so far from the French border
Giovanni e Grazia
From left to right: Enza, Marina, Alberto, e "Pepe". Click here to see a small video of Enza & Pepe. (You need RealPlayer to view it)
Grana is a small village near Asti, Italy on incredibly beautiful rolling farmland. Click here to see a small video of Grana (You need RealPlayer to view it)
Enza at Crissolo
Again at Crissolo (1,330 m) In the background is Mon Viso (3,841 m)
A neat place in Chiemonte. This house was being re-furbished by the owner and is very modern on the inside.
The exterior (as is the whole city)
preserves the style of the old days
Enza's Vacation in the USA August 1999 (Enza Month) Highlights included visits to Boston, New York, Clinton, Washington DC, Grapeland, Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Jamestown, and coffee with Silvia Fontana
(click on the picture for a higher resolution image)