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The Concept

Hi. Welcome to the iG Festival info page.

iG stands for inspired Grace. What is iG Festival?

For each of us, God has written in our lives a testimony, as a witness, of God's amazing Grace. And each story is unique, each testimony representing something deeply personal and life-changing. If it doesn't, it should.

In that light, our lives must no longer be the same. God sets us on fire for Him, inspires us to dream and move, and reveals to us all His magnificent splendor and awe. So often, Christian lives become a burden, a heavy yolk, but we forget the Grace and the testimonies that only He can write, which has been given to us to live powerful and glorious lives for Him.

That is what iG is about. To once again, re-examine and deeply consider what it is about God that makes us pray, cry, yearn, love, hope, serve, humble, and inspired. It is an oppurtunity to those who have a story to tell and a challenge to those who have fallen into a spiritual slumber to once again re-awake.

This event is an outpouring of our hearts for the world, a celebration of what God has done in our lives and that it may be contagious to all who view it. We hope that everyone actively participates, whether contributing a piece or browsing the gallery.

iG not an art contest or a competition, it isn't about which art is better. Art is worthless if it is just paint on a piece of paper or random chords on a music sheet, but is made so much more by the priceless testimony that can only come from God and from the heart. What is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is ETERNAL, so let's make what is eternal known to all.

Be inspired by God!

in Him,

"For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him." - Colossians 1:16

The Event

Hosted by: UCSDKCCC SALt arts

When: April 11, 2006, 8PM

Where: Great Hall, ERC.

How: We would love for as many people to participate, submitting original works and writing pieces. This is an event for everyone, not just the artistically gifted. It can be a collaboration or it can be a solo project.

You can do almost anything you want: painting, poetry, writing, calligraphy, sculpture, installation/construction art, conceptual/abstract art, drawing, construction art, cut and paste, classical art, choreograph a dance, write a song, etc. etc.

Couple guidlines however:

-No video/film medium (exceptions can be made under certain circumstances)
-Projects must original works, no plagiarism
-Project must be accompanied by a short written abstract to be displayed with the project.

Deadline: March 30th is the last day to submit project concepts by e-mail. They don't need to be done, but we must receive a short abstract and information on your project. The reason for this is we'll be making a promotional publication showcasing all projects.

Lastly: Performance pieces need to be screened, especially if there are more pieces than there are slots. It's less of a talent screening and more of a concept screening, so don't be afraid of being judged. (We're looking at 4-5 10-minute slots)

If interested, please click contact for contact information.

For sign-ups, as well as further inquiries and questions, please e-mail the contact below:

Anthony Pang, iG Coordinator:


AIM: ninjaalice

If you're interested in helping out, we can definitely use extra hands in the process.