Whoever is Avsie?
For the total Avalanche hockey experience, visit this site!!
Sign My Guestbook!!
From adoptions to web rings... etc!
Diaries of a Nurse
Cooking with Flowers!
Science Ninja Team Gatchaman
Escapism..... from Quebec to Denmark
Home Decorating... such a great hobby!
My kitty's web site!!
My new passion!! Star Wars for newbies!!

Hello and welcome to my newly designed website!! This is a great pleasure to welcome you to my little world:)

I grouped all my existing websites, hoping to put some organization into the disorganized World Wide Web... Take some time to visit them all, they all have a little something that might interest you! Of course, the site that is the most developed is my hockey section... if you're a hockey fan and an Avalanche fan, be sure to check it out!

Many sites are still under construction, some are only future projects. You may encounter some sections that aren't complete yet... give me some time, check back a few days later:)

H.E.L.P. Community: where to go for HELP!!

Join the Club!
Hey you! Avs fan! You're the real thing? Join us!

Send FREE cards!
You have an online friend you'd like to surprise? Holiday cards, birthday cards... even Colorado Avalanche cards!

Contact: avsie@iname.com
Friday, December 01, 2000 16:10:56

E-Mail Express Me by ICQ

Weather in Sept-Iles:

Woohoo!! I was named CL of the Month!!:)