
I would like to welcome you to my Chicago Bulls homepage. My name is Rob and I am 18. As you have already noticed, I am a huge fan of the World Champion Chicago Bulls. I have almost everything you could ever want on the Bulls located on this page. Take your time and look through as many as you wish. Be sure to bookmark this page, because you will definitely want to return in the future. I am constantly improving this page, so check back often. If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints e-mail me.

Table of Contents

Bulls Info | Pictures & Multimedia | Bulls Intro Stuff | Links | You Interact | Merchandise | About Me

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Bulls Intro Stuff

Listen to the Bulls' Intro Music
See the new animated introduction! (3.4 4m avi | Qui ckTime)
Listen to the Bulls being Introduced! (Site 1-wav | Site 2-wav | Site 3-MP3)

Bulls Information

Schedule and Scores
Inside the Bulls
Team History
Arena and Tickets

Bulls Pictures & Multimedia

Bulls Thumbnail Pictures|List of Pictures
Bulls Sound Clips
Bulls Movie Clips

Link Bar

Tons of Bulls Links
Tons of Jordan Links
Banners & Ads
Other Great Links!
Your Site Here!

If you would like me to add a link to your page on my site click here to find out how.

You Interact!

The Bulls Trivia Quiz

Well, well, well....you think that you are pretty darn smart with all your Chicago Bulls knowledge, huh? Let's just see how much you really know. Answer them all correct and you could win great prizes including all the latest Bulls merchandise. Take the quiz!

Bulls Fans Around the World

So, you have made it this far. You have passed my test and now I will give you even more. I am offering to put you on the complete (well, not quite) list of all Bulls fans around the world. You are not a true Bulls Fan until you are on the list. Send me an e-mail and give me all your info that you want to be included on the list: Name, E-mail, Location, etc....)

The Fan list
Name E-mail Location
Rob Mentz Bd22381@erols.com Maryland (USA)
Jocie Paulis jitlit@usa.net Maryland (USA)
Anthony Field Fluffdaddy99@hotmail.com New Jersey (USA)
Randy Freeman GIANT_ONE@webtv.net California (USA)
Chris Canizaro TB42s@aol.com Maryland (USA)
Michael Montoya mgmontoy@liberty.edu Virginia (USA)
Alicia Wietholter AliciaA671@aol.com Pennsylvania (USA)
Amanda Wheeler essebo@hotmail.com Idaho (USA)
Trevor Carey trevorcarey@hotmail.com Dublin,Ireland
Peter Withers pete@pwithers.freeserve.co.uk Bewdley, Worc's, UK
John Follmann GL6067@aol.com Florida (USA)

The Message Board

Now, you can post messages instantly and can also read and reply to other Bull's fans who leave their own opinions. Check it out!
Post Messages INSTANTLY!| Read Messages

Favorite Player Poll

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Vote for your favorite Bulls player (past and present):
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Monthly Question

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What will happen to the Bulls without Jordan?
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Buy Bulls Merchandise

1. Da' Bulls Trading Post - Chicago Bulls Merchandise
Trading Cards. Books. Videos. Specials. Everything!

2. Chicago Bulls 1998 NBA Championship Merchandise
Catalog of 1998 NBA Champions Chicago Bulls Apparel, featuring t-shirts and hats.

3. Ofischl Sports - Catalog
Ofischl Sports is your official source for Chicago Bulls merchandise- online catalog.

4.  Sportsline Store
The Sports Store - sports apparel, gear, and memorabilia, sporting goods and equipment, and sports photos.

5. Chicago Bulls Merchandise
SPORTS FAN - Catalog of 1998 NBA Champions Chicago Bulls Apparel, featuring t-shirts and hats.

  6. NBA Stuff
Everything! Clocks, Watches, etc.

Me Bar
All About Me!

This section is devoted to me.

A B-ball Picture of Me|My Senior Picture
My Dog, Christy

Please check out my Ads and Banners on this page.


It is to my belief that all the images on this page are in public domain. If any of these graphics infringe on your copyrights please notify me and I will remove them IMMEDIATELY!
Last Updated: April 1, 1999
Rob Mentz, Inc. ©1999
You are visitor #since July 9, 1996
