The Wampanoag Paddlers are celebrating their 29th anniversary!!
The club was formed in 1970, with the first trip led in 1971, primarily for family canoeing & kayaking, therefore, most of the trips are on flatwater. The club runs 25 or more trips a year, with day trips mostly in South Eastern New England and canoe/camping trips anywhere in New England. There are two evening/supper meetings during Winter. Dues are $5.00 per family (not a typo five dollars) for the year. For $5.00 you get a free meal and someone to paddle with most weekends. How do we do this??? No one gets paid! Trip leaders and officers are all volunteers (officers are abducted from the general membership and enslaved for 2 years {grin}). Your dues cover the printing costs of the schedule, rental of the fall/winter meeting space and one dinner for your family. Our dues haven't been raised in 27 years!
The purpose of this organization shall be to maintain an association of persons interested in canoeing; to focus public attention on canoeing; to do all in its power to make canoeing a safe sport; to form a closer alliance with people and nature; to promote a greater appreciation of health and freedom; to lend support to the Clean Rivers Act where needed; and to lend legislative support to our rivers. [from the Club By-laws]
Those who have paddled beyond the Rainbow Bridge
Wampanoag Trip Leaders Report
Picture Gallery
The Dead River , ME Camping weekend.
The North River ,MA day Trip
Charles River, MA day trip.
Assabet & Concord River, MA day trip.
The Hockomock Swamp MA day trip.
Please email (or call 617-773-7245) or For: additional information, an application , a full schedule or just to say "Hi".
President: Richard McMullan
Vice President: Ellie Sabin
Treasurer: Vera Pollock
Secretary: Kathy Turner
See you on the river!
Debe Sharpe Logue, WebMaster
Take a peekat the WebMaster's Old English SheepdogsVisit the NEOESR 98 picnic pictures
© 1996
Links to other sites on the Web
Northeast Paddler's message board
Starting Point. Everything you need to work the WEB, every day.
American Canoe Association
Maine Sportsman's Guide: Canoeing/Kayaking
The Paddlers Web
Dagger Canoe
Knudsen Integrated Portaging System Club members check with them about a discount
Boat Owners World Club members you will find an incredible amount of information here. A very cool site.
Charles River Watershed Association We paddle several sections of this historic river.
Since 6/26/96
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