Well, it's nice to know that someone is interested in things about me.
So, I guess we'll start at the beginning...
It all started on a hot summer night in August... I'm assuming it was
hot, cause it's always hot in August, so quit asking so many damn questions
and pay attention... I popped outta my mom at the early age of, well, 0 I guess... And of course
you know how it goes, the doctor didn't smack me on the ass he instead
slapped my mom cause he knew immediately that kid was screwed up...
Anyway, so I was born and all that, and I went through the early part of my
life spreading terror throughout the city... I think that I have repressed
memories about my childhood, cause I'm pretty sure that I was molested
by circus midgets somewhere in the whole adolescent stage, but who knows,
it all remains to be seen...
I finally grew up and muttered my way through school, basically just getting
by, cause I really hated every minute of it except of course P.E. class
cause I like to do the whole sports thing, so I always got a great grade
in that class... I never did feel like that class lasted long enough..
I mean, you get in there, and then you spend the first 20 mins of the class
doing those freaking warm-ups that NO ONE wants to do.. It all seemed very
pointless to me, I mean come on, how many 8 - 12 year olds do you know that
pulled a muscle cause of the lack of warm-up excercises they did.. So it
just seemed to me that it was all a big conspiracy against me... Oh well,
I'm sure I'll get over it sometime around the time I turn 30, but for right
now, I'm crying myself to sleep every night... And that's my whole outlook
on the P.E. class thing... We'll just keep the academic memories to ourself if you
don't mind... I played little league and all that crap and also junior
high baseball... And how could anyone forget the day when the good ol' Nintendo
was released... Ahhhhhhh the memories, I just wish that I could remember them
but I can't cause they're repressed, remember??? Jesus, aren't you paying
attention at all??? Okay, screw it, let's just skip to the good stuff...
So then comes high school... I didn't care for high school much either
I had very few friends cause the majority of the people in my high school
were complete stuck-up pricks... I can't stand stuck up people, so I
basically just kept to myself except for a few select friends that I knew
wouldn't talk behind my back every chance that they got, that's something
else that I totally hate, but, I'm NOT going into that right now... So anway
I got my drivers license... Whooo oa oa.. You're gonna like this one I'm sure...
My first car was the classy, stylish, 1982 Delta 88... Yeah, I was definately
the most popular kid on my block, but as they say, it got me around, kinda...
I had my license for about 2 months or so, and then one day I'm driving down the
road and ****SLAM****... I shouldn't have been toying with the ol' radio I guess,
at least the person whose back window I pushed into the front seat thought
so... Oh well, I'm over that one too... Well, five days later, I'm driving
down the road and ****SLAM AGAIN****.. hehhehehee.. Two rear-enders in 5 days...
My lawyer LOVED me I tell ya... So my parents decided to take my license away
for a year until all the charges were off my record... That was a kinda
harsh thing to do to a 16 year-old, dontcha think?? Well, it happened
and once again it's ANOTHER thing that I got over...
So high school went on and on and I finally reached my senior year... I kinda
dropped the baseball thing after I got into high school cause I basically
lost interest in it... I decided I'd rather be a golfer... My senior year
I qualified for the state tournament... I was the first person in 10 years
to make it to state from my high school, so I was pretty proud of that..
I didn't fair very well, there, but it did turn out that I was one of the top
30 high school golfers in the state of Illinois, so I guess that's not so bad...
I guess I'm really lucky to have been there anyway... See, I left one car
accident out of my little description up there... One day after school I was
driving down a two lane road, and I went out in the other lane to pass someone,
well, the guy turned left right in front of me... I swerved behind the guy
and I hit a driveway that was going over about a 6 ft. ditch, which in turn
acted as a ramp and I flew 60 feet... When my car landed, the force was
so good that I crushed my 4th lumbar vertebrae... I got outta my car and I
couldn't walk... And just in case this has never happened to you, it's
just a little scary... Well somehow someway I got the feeling back in my
legs and it turned out that I made it through that alright, and trust me,
back braces are NOT fun... But enough about that anyway...
So COLLEGE.. That was neat.. I got a scholarship for golf to go to college...
I hated pretty much every minute of it to tell the truth... I stayed there
till me and my roomate (my best friend all through high school) got into a
fist fight... That was it for me.. I quit and came home.. Decided commuting
was the thing for me... blah blah blah, I don't have a degree, but I
work on computers now, and I'm a Network Administator, so all you fucking
college people that tell me that I have to take a history class to get
a degree in computers, you can all go FUCK yourself, and that's pretty
much all I have to say on that shit... (sorry, that just really bothers
me).... WELL, I think that just about brings us up to the current days
so I guess I'll tell you a little bit about how I am now, what I do, what
I like, what pisses me off, that kinda basic stuff...
I like to hand out with my friends... We do alot of stuff together and
we always seem to have a good time... We go to shows, concerts, that kidna
stuff... We also hang out at a bar/pool hall/restaraunt... If you know
us, you know that you'll see us there at least for a FEW minutes at least
once a night, so if any of you are ever looking for me, just go there...
I like to play pool, video games, foos ball, darts, all that stuff, I like to
get drunk, make an ass outta myself... You know, all the basics... I'm sure
there's alot more things that I like, but that's enough for now...
DON'T talk behind my back... I HATE that more than anything in
the world... If you have something to say to me, say it to my god damn face
or keep your cakehole shut... Don't tell me you're my friend and then
let me find out that you're talking shit about me... Fake people is
another thing... BE YOUR GOD DAMN SELF... I hate people that go around and
act one way with one group of people and then a DIFFERENT way with some
other group... If people don't like you for who you are, GET THE HELL AWAY
FROM them, act how you feel comfortable, not the way you think will help
you be cool... I could give a shit less what you think of me, and if you've
ever chatted with me, you'll see this... And that's just about it I guess...