This page is about two things that I like to do. One is ride a bike
the other is listen to the GRATEFUL DEAD. It is too bad that Jerry Garcia
passed away a few years ago. That was an end to a truely great talent in music.
I have not been to another concert since that last Dead show at RFK Stadium in DC.

I will try and find some really good links to some Grateful Dead pages in the future.

As you move down this page you will see two of my favorite bikes. One I own and the other
I wish I could own. Someday hopefully soon I will actually own both.


Links to other sites on the Web


This is one of the toys that I would love to own someday, but my wife
has other ideas. She wants the single family house before I get this.
So on the other hand I have a Trek 1220 Aluminum road bike that I ride.

This is the real bike that I own. I received this last year for my birthday
it was a great gift from my wife. I enjoy riding usually on weekends in the countryside.
I will go for a 30 or 40 mile ride, just to relax and clear my head from a hard week at work.


Sometimes when I do not get to ride, my bike as often as I would like I feel down. I even get
the blues. Here is Uncle Sam doing his dance, showing his colors. I think of this song from
the Grateful Dead, called

You guessed it, US Blues.


To see more information on the Grateful Dead click to the right and go to THE DEAD PAGE

To see more pictures of Harley-Davidson motorcycles click to the right and go to MY HARLEY-DAVIDSON PAGE

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