Southwestern Kangaroo-Rat Baseball League Rosters

The following list are the owners in this year's league (rules will allow up to a maximum of twelve). From this point you can see each owner's current list of players and team photo.

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Colleen - NO DOGS ALLOWED team picture
. . . Believes that the Boston Celtics are a National League baseball team . . . Beginning in 2004 now has the title of BEST woman in the league . . .
Debbie - TASTY MORSELS team picture
. . . Thinks that you must have the 'cutest' team . . . Isn't that what we are trying to achieve . . . Formely the BEST women in the league (bad year in 2004) . .
Ken - WINDY CITY WINNERS team picture
Lynn - ONETOMAUI team picture
. . . Believes that he knows everything . . . but after his 2004 fall from 1st . . . ka boom . . .

Paul Herman - HERMAN HERMIT CRABS team picture
Paul Thompson - CYBORG CLONE team picture
. . . Works at Cubic with Robert & Roland . . . 2005's ROOKIE . . .

Roland - STONES team picture
. . . Works at Cubic with Robert & Paul. . . .

Robert - FRIED CHICKEN team picture
. . . Works at Cubic with Roland & Paul. . . .

Scott - BEAVIS & BUTTHEAD team picture