. . . E V E R Y . . . Y E A R . . . S H O U L D . . . B E . . . t h e . . . Y E A R . . . o f . . . t h e . . . C H I C K E N . . .

ROBERT - FRIED CHICKEN - check out my roster -
Last one of the original 9 owners from 1990.
2009 2008 2007 2006 20052004 2003 200220012000 1999199819971996199519941993199219911990
???? 2nd 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 6th1st3rd1st2nd 2nd2nd2nd3rd1st1st2nd1st2nd

Besides being the best-looking member of the group, he is also the smartest. Last of the original owners.
2003 - Must have been run by the FOSTER the IMPOSTER CHICKEN this year.

KEN - WINDY CITY WINNERS - check out my roser
Joined the league in 1991 (David Coram) replacing Marcos EISELE (original: 1990).
2009 2008 2007 2006 200520042003 20022001200019991998 1997199619951994 199319921991
???? 3rd 7th 6th 5th 2nd 1st 2nd1st3rd4th1st 8th3rd6th5th3rd8th 7th

1999 - First to Fourth - pretty, pretty pitiful.
2000 - New baby girl - Katie Marie - 10/09
2001 - Moved to Chicago at the end of the year.
2002 - Will defend his championship long-distance from Chicago.
2003 - Very good defense from Chicago - Cubs in the NL also got close.
2005 - Maybe the long distance is starting to wear down this 'former' high finisher.
2006 - Comments made in 2005 may still be in effect.
2007 - Comments made in 2005 may still be in effect.

SCOTT - SCOTTIESOHOTTIE - check out my roster
Joined the league in 1995 (Robert Frey) replacing Gail EISELE (Marcos: 1993-1994) replacing Victor SILVA (xxx: 1992) replacing Mike AQUINO (original: 1990-1991).
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 20042003 20022001200019991998 199719961995
???? 5th (tiebreaker) 8th 8th 3rd 4th 5th 5th8th7th3rd 10th 6th9th10th - rookie year

1996 - Mind is never on baseball - got married 05/19.
2000 - New baby boy - Brandon - 10/19
2002 - Beginning to show signs of improvement.
2003 - Edged out of fourth by tie-breaker rules to COLLEEN.
2005 - Edged out new comer Cyborg for third by the tie-breaker rules.
2006 - At the insistance of the women in SWKR - Scott changed his team name from Beavis & Butthead to ScottieSoHottie.
2006 - Not sure if it was the team name change or just ownership.

DEBBIE - TASTY MORSELS - check out our roster
Joined the league in 1998 (Gail Eisele) replacing Ford HARVEY (xxx: 1994-1997) replacing Mike DAVIS (Robert: 1992-1993) replacing Paul REGALDO (original: 1990-1991).
2009 2008200720062005 20042003 20022001200019991998
???? 8th last 4th 4th 6th 8th of 8 2nd 3rd 4th - Top Woman2nd - Top Woman 8th8th - rookie year

1996 - Ford lead in every batting category (40.0 points) - never been done before.
1998 - Took a first place team into a eighth place team - very sad and I'm glad Ford is not around to witness this.
1999 - Change name from HOMEBASE to TASTY MORSELS.
2000 - New baby girl - Gia Francesa and turned the team around - maybe a new team name GIAS.
2003 - Looks as though Debbie is for REAL - going to be a CONTENDER every year.
2006 - Maybe a little premature on comments made in 2003 ~ fallen to 2nd best female in the league ~ opps, only 2 women playing.

COLLEEN - NO DOGS ALLOWED - check out my roster
Joined the league in 2002 (Debbie Hubbard) replacing Jay 'MudShark' Skarbozski (Robert via web: 1996-2001) replacing Bob SOUSTEK (original: 1990-1995).
2009 200820072006 2005 20042003 2002
???? 1st 3rd 3rd 7th 5th 4th 4th - not bad
20012000 199919981997 1996
2nd6th10th6th5th 7th - rookie year

1999 - First to give-up but wouldn't help any little chickens (although they didn't require any) .
2001 - Finally a good showing but then required to move to Texas at the end of the year.
2002 - League is becoming a women's league - as long as the men finish on TOP. Not a bad finish - soon to be the the TOP WOMAN.
2003 - Very good finish winning in a tie-breaker over Scott. League is becoming weak with 2 women in the top 4.
2006 - Best female in the league ~ can she repeat?
2007 - Stll the BEST female in the league
2008 - Now ranked as the TOP woman in the league - but NOT the best owner (yet)

PAUL THOMPSON - CYBORG CLONE - check out my roster -
Joined the league in 2005 (Robert Frey) starting as a completly new team (9th owner).
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
???? 7th 6th 7th 4th

2005 - This year's newest ROOKIE - can he outplay & outsmart some of the veterans. Actually finished 4th being outed of 3rd place by the tie-breaker rules.
2006 - Has the stress of playing with the big boys driven him down.

KEN- CBAD BAGGERS - check out our roster
Joined the league in 2006 (Colleen Mitchell) replacing Lynn George(Robert: 2001-2005); replacing Kim VOEGELE(Robert: 1999-2000) replacing Thomas GUEST(Robert: 1998) replacing Mike THORP (Robert: 1995-1997) replacing Keith SOUSTEK (Bob Sousek: 1993-1994) starting as a completly new team.
2009 2008 2007 2006
???? 3rd 1st 5th
2005 2004200320022001
8th 6th of 8 7th of 88th of 8 11th of 12
2000 1999
8th5th - Top woman
1997 19961995
10th4th2nd - rookie year
1994 1993

1998 - Let's see how well this rookie does - can she keep her mind on baseball - just got married December 26, 1998.
1999 - Top Rat Woman - but has a way to go to catch the better Rat Men.
2001 - Lynn George has played previously - 1991 - 6th place finish.
2001 - Let's see how well this couple can work together and how much baseball they really know. Answer: Not Much
2001 - Debbie Walsh has been terminated/resigned from this pitiful team at the end of the year. Team named changed to OneToMaui at this point.
2002 - Many errors in freeze/LTC strategy - Glavine @ $32 (not too bad) - Charles Johnson @ $27 - LTC to Tony Armas @ $7.
2003 - May have a new co-owner (Joseph McCulley) ~ anything could HELP! No HELP arrived - probably a BOTTOM DWELLER forever!
2005 - Unbelievable - someone WORST that his usual patehic performance.
2006 - New owner Ken CBAD - replacing OneToMaui - new ownership should help this team - decent frozen roster.
2006 - A reasonable finish for the ROOOKIE ~ let's see results from next year.
2007 - The easy part now has been done ~ a tougher part is NOW to REEPEAT ~
2008 - UNABLE to REEPEAT ~

HOMER & CHAD - HOMER-UNS - check out my roster
Joined the league in 2008 (Robert Frey) replacing Roland Franklin (Frey: 1997-2007) replacing Doug VanBLARCOM (Ford: 1996) replacing Dan HATCH (Ken: 1995) replacing Mike RODDY (Ken: 1992-1994) replacing Lynn GEORGE (Robert: 1991) replacing Gail EISELE (original: 1990).
2009 2008
???? 4th - tiebreaker
2007 2006 2005 20042003 20022001200019991998 1997
5th 1st 1st 3rd 3rd 6th5th4th1st7th 4th - rookie year (very good)

2001 - going from 1st to 4th - just like Ken 1998-1999.
2002 - fell like a ROCK in the final month - don't know what happened
2003 - Always a contender - another SOLID year.
2006 - Retired and moved to TEXAS - son drafted team due to illness.
2006 - Two 1st place finishes in a row ~ not even the great Chicken has done three.
2008 - Roland's former boss HOMER MASON replacing the retired TEXAN - is the boss as good ~ we'll see ~ also his son-in-law CHAD ran the team as general manager.
2008 - Very GOOD job for the rookie - watch out for 2009 as he has a very low salary coming into the draft.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * TEAMS THAT HAVE DROPPED and WERE NOT REPLACED * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

GAIL - GECKOS - check out my roster -
Gail and Marcos (deceased) are two of the original owners in 1990. Both had teams in 1990, 1993 and 1994.
10th12th9th 9th 9th10th8th7th & 10th 4th & 7th4th4th7th & 9th
1990-1993-1994 - Both Gail and Marcos had teams and then usually alternate ownership annually.
1996 - Switched single ownership of the team June 17 from Marcos to Gail.
2000 - Marcos passed away September 24 - he will truly be missed.
2001 - Promised to be a better team - FAILED

JEFF - CASTAWAYS - check out my roster
Joined the league in 1995 (Ford) replacing Les CAMPBELL (Robert:1991-1994) replacing Eddie HEAD (original: 1990).
2001200019991998 199719961995
9th11th 7th3rd7th5th5th - rookie year
1995 - did make a good but late attempt at fourth - falling short.
1996 - another good but late attempt - fell again.
1998 - steady and persistent work finally paid off.
1999 - started off the season with a poor draft and never recovered.
1999 - Father passed away November 07 - he will be missed.
2000 - question is on a $41 Rick Aguilera or a $21 penality. Answer: a $41 waste.
2000 - Changed teams name from 50% Prize Pool to CASTAWAYS - don't think it will help (it didn't) .

JOHN - COMIN'TATERS - check out my roster
Joined the league in 1999 (Jeff) starting as a completly new team (11th owner).
20012000 1999
6th5th11th - rookie year
1999 - Let's see how well this rookie does - we know that he can serve bar and BS - but can he do baseball too.
1999 - standings tell us that maybe we should re-evaluate that he can serve BS and bar.
2001 - Moved to Idaho (to become a potato farmer) and changed team name from DALTONS to COMIN'TATERS.
2001 - Left the league at the end of the year OWING the league $5.00 (brought into the league by Jeff Coates).

SCOTT & MICHELLE - CURSE OF THE BAMBINO - check out our roster
Joined the league in 2000 (Jeff) starting as a completly new team (12th owner).
12th of 12 10th of 12
2000 - Let's see how well these rookies can do (could it be the year of the BAMBINO). Answer: NOT.
2001 - Can they do as well as Daltons 2000 - going from rookie status to the money. Answer: NOT.
2001 - Left the league at the end of the year OWING the league $20.00 (brought into the league by Jeff Coates).

PAUL - HERMAN HERMIT CRABS - check out my roster -
Joined the league in 2004 (Lynn George) replacing David (DECORAM) Coram (one of the original owners in 1990).
20062005 2004
????9th 7th
20032002 20012000 1999199819971996199519941993199219911990
8th 7th7th9th5th4th 3rd8th4th4th5th 1st2nd1st

1995 - Believed that the '95 season was over after the draft - making only one move during the year.
1996 - Believed that the '96 season was over after the draft - did not make any moves.
1997 - Pretty much the same logic for this year - didn't even draft his own team this time.
1998 mistake - keeping McGuire at $88.00.
1999 mistake - continuing to play
2000 mistake - hasn't learned the 3 sections of Fantasy baseball
2001 mistake - no transactions done for the entire year.
2002 mistake - no transactions done for the entire year.
2003 mistake - Actualy put monies into transaction fund but no transactions done for the entire year.
2004 - David decided NOT to play this year - replaced by a friend of Robert and Lynn's - PAUL HERMAN.
2005 - Worse than Lynn's team ONETOMAUI - piss poor performance.

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