Brian Jones' Homepage

Sections of this website:

  • About Me

  • Chicago Cubs

  • Music I Like

  • TV Shows I Like

  • My Resume

  • Links

  • This is Brian Jones' homepage. There's not much here yet, but there will hopefully be a resume and some other cool stuff soon. That's a picture of me to the left (I look younger than 21, dont I?). I'm now a senior psychology major at Berry college in Rome, Georgia. You can keep checking back for more information here if you want, but I'm a slacker, so it might be a while before I get anything else up. Have a nice day.

    Links to other sites on the Web

    Chicago Cubs--My favorite sports team
    ESPN--Good sports information
    They Might Be Giants (official)--My favorite band.
    They Might Be Giants (unofficial)
    Barenaked Ladies (official)--My other favorite band
    Barenaked Ladies (unofficial)
    Berry College--Where I go to school
    Mountain Chapel Methodist Church--My church; made by me.
    Sifl and Olly--One of the best shows on TV.

    Send email to

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