Give Me Money! |
me money so I can play golf on Saturday, May 19th 2001. What
could be better than enjoying a lesiurely summer weekend day around the house or
the beach or the like? I'll tell you what--
giving me some dough so I can play this sweet-ass golf course in Manassas,
Bull Run Country Club.
"Chris, why should I give you dough to play golf?" you might ask?
Excellent question, my friend. Unfortunately, time and work demands
do not allow me to list all the reasons here. Suffice it to say, we just
bought a house and are getting married in the Fall. That's a lot of coin
going out the window. If I have any hope of continuing to play golf at the
nicer DC-area courses, I'll need your help!
What will there be for fun?
I can guarantee that I will have fun playing golf on Saturday,
even if I shoot horribly as I usually do. But it's no fun forking over
$85.00 to play bad golf.
How do I help?
Stop by my desk (913-C) and give me money. I'll take whatever you've
got-$10s, $20s, personal checks, money orders, Western Union wiregrams. You
can even give me money through Paypal.
How much easier could it be??? If I can get just nine (9) volunteers to give me
a mere Hamilton, that would pay for my round of golf and transportation costs. Ten
volunteers with the same dead president means I can enjoy a beer on the 19th hole. And only twenty
volunteers at a ten-spot each would allow me to cover my costs, have a few brews, buy a round
for the guys, and even a nice Polo shirt from the Pro Shop as a memoir of my day playing golf
at this expensive course.
Will you accept stock certificates in lieu of cash?
Absolutely not. I may be hard-up, but I ain't stupid.
Are you freakin' kidding me???
No kidding--we already have a tee time set up for 9:00am. .
With your help, I will enjoy a fabulous round of golf ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Don't be a cheapskate!!! Of course, please feel free to e-mail me if you have any
questions about alternate payment options, including direct deposit.
5/19/2001, 9:00 AM - ~2:00 PM (depending on number of post-golf beer rounds)
Course Details of This Ritzy Place |
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