...to Darrell Lindsey's home page!

Click Here to see a Picture of Me!!!

This is my home page off of Geocities! I am a single, 17 year old Male and I live in Moline. I enjoy Computers and love to eat tons of chicken nuggets. My goal in life is to to be a Computer Tech..

Heres A Special Gift to You: Balls.wav size (141k)

Here is some more wave files for you

youwere.wav size (420k)
forever1.wav size (311k)
putdown.wav size (123k)

Here is a Link to My Dads homepage

Click here to visit Tonya's Homepage

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Here is another picture of me:

This is my sister Tonya. She is 18 yrs old.Tonya

This is my other siter Heather. She is 17 years old.Heather

This is my Mother and Father. I wont say there age!!! hehehe.My Mom and Dad

I hope you enjoyed my page, and stop back often.

If you would like to contact me send email to:

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