Ørslevkloster IF - the Pride Of Fjends
The Official home page of Ørslevkloster IF
About Kloster
| Player Presentation
| The 1996 games
| The 1997 spring games
| The 1997 autumn games
| The 1998 spring games
| The 1998 autumn games
| The 1999 spring games
| The Managers
| Picture gallery
The Kloster team that reached the promotion to serie 1 in 1998,
the official picture from the press, that wrote: 'THE MIRACLE FROM KLOSTER!!!
From the back-left:
Monse(team leader),Iommy,Cantona,Baker, Marvellous,Junior,Lost Son
Front Left: Lund,Bugno,Offer,Fabulous,Giggs,Dalton,Oneleg.
Summary of this weeks game!
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© Copyright 1998 Bent Marvellous Markussen - marvellous@geocities.com

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