Ross, Brendon and myself decided that with so many people in London at the moment we should have a party where everyone can catch up, get lambastered and go dancin! It can be difficult keeping up sometimes, especially after a week of working, drinking, tubing etc. So we have this weekend. We have booked a pub from 11am to 11pm on Saturday the 28th April, the Slug and Lettuce, Canary Wharf. We will have a corner of the pub to ourselves and a finger buffet will be served at 19h30 at a cost of £3 per person. Normal Slug and Lettuce menu for lunch. The pub is excellent and if the whole world arrives, as is expected we can overflow into the All Bar One next door, there is also seating outside if it is nice and sunny. (Sun is ordered.) It is also fairly quiet on a weekend being a business district, however the pub still buzzes, we will have SPACE! We hope to get about a 100 old mates together at the pub. On Saturday night we are going to 'Bushed Out' in Shepards Bush to go dancin. On Sunday we will have a recovery braai at Brendons house in Wimbledon.
The General South African 'Public' that now exists in London has become aware of our weekend and has decided to gather in Trafalgar Square on Sunday, 30000 people are expected, and Nelson Mandela called ourselves to secure his seat aswell. This is the begining of the celebrate South Africa month in London and coincides with our weekend very nicely indeed!
Please email me if you can come, so we can get an idea of numbers, otherwise just arrive on the day, easy come easy go!
Saturday Day: Slug and Lettuce, Canary Wharf Tube, just walk outside and you will see it.
Saturday Night: Bushed Out at Shepherds Bush, open from 21h00 to 02h00.
Sunday Braai at Brendons House: 9 Regent Place, Wimbledon, Just off Haydons Road, this is right next to Haydons Road mainline station or 10-15 mins walk from Wimbledon station (Underground and Mainline) check your A-Z.
Sunday Afternoon: Trafalgar Square Concert, Gates open at 16h30, Concert Starts at 1700 and ends at 21h30. NB Phone 0906 617 2904 before midnight on Thursday the 19th April to get the wristbands you need to get in to the concert, they are free but you cant get in without them.
There is no longer a booking fee for the pub, so dont worry about that. Just £3 pounds for Finger Buffet Saturday night, and drinks and food as required.
Please bring food and drink to the Braai.
Concert on Sunday is free, but you must phone for wristbands by midnight 17 April.
Weekend Details