about me
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My name is Matthew Sleath. I live in Quispamsis, New Brunswick with my wife, Jody. We got married on September 3rd, 2004. For our honeymoon, we stayed in Quispamsis and hung out with Jody's father Bill who flew down all the way from Indiana to come to our wedding! Our daughter Brittany Susan Sleath was born on June 25th, 2004. She is the cutest baby on the planet, and I'm not just saying that!

I graduated from UNBSJ with a Bachelor of Computer Science degree in May. It feels so good to finally be done school. I hope to find a job with either Aliant or Xerox but right now I'm working at a call center named Client Logic. I do technical support for Bell Sympatico.

Our Pets: We have a cat named Peaches, who is pregnant for the second time in a matter of months! We also have a 20 gallon fresh water aquarium, which we're looking to sell if anybody is interested.

Don't forget to sign the guestbook! :)

September 3rd, 2004
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You are guest number:
Name: Matthew Scott Sleath
Email: msleath@nb.sympatico.ca
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