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Twentieth Century Baseball Association

A group of APBA Baseball simulation leagues

The time in Lancaster, PA is
until the TCBA winter meeting.

All about us

The TCBA, how it works, and who may and may not join baseball, simulation, APBA, BBW, retro, league
How we started the TCBA in 1975baseball, simulation, APBA, BBW, retro, league
An interview with our president on the past, present and future of TCBA
All-time season and career leaders in batting, pitching and managing, from the TCBA Encyclopedia
Recommended baseball and APBA reading--free web sites, local newspapers, columns and the upcoming Discount Baseball Bookstore baseball, simulation, APBA, BBW, retro, league

Former major leaguer Jack Aker visits TCBA web site

TCBA Yesterday

Everything about the TCBA's "Retro" League, which has played 1974 to 1969 and continues into the past

TCBA Today

Current Standings baseball, simulation, APBA, BBW, retro, league
1999 top single-game performances baseball, simulation, APBA, BBW, retro, league
Current Rosters for all 24 teams baseball, simulation, APBA, BBW, retro, league
Our constitution and rule book (1998 edition, to be updated for 1999)  
1999 Rookie Draft Results new
Pages from our 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998 seasons
Team home pages for the Allegheny Innocents, Farmington River Rats, Newark Eagles, Rhode Island Hawks , and Newmarket Eh's

Earn gift certificates and merchandise by visiting advertisers' web sites: Join the
MyPoints Program. Earn free rewards! The TCBA web site was written for and is best viewed with [NETSCAPE ENHANCED]Netscape Navigator or Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer, each of which may be downloaded at no cost. Tables and graphics may not be aligned correctly when other browsers are used.

This page has been accessed  times since April 2, 1996.

Your comments, suggestions and ideas about this site are sought. Please direct comments of a general nature and those about the TCBA Today section to Jim Lafargue, who designed, created and updates this web site. Comments specifically directed to the TCBA Yesterday section can be directed to Jeff Sajdak, who maintains those pages. Comments on links which do not work and pages which are hard to read on your browser are particularly appreciated. Click here for disclaimers.

Jack Aker Baseball To learn how to obtain private or group instruction in the skills of real baseball from a former major leaguer, visit the web site of bullpen ace Jack Aker. Your stats could be posted here some day.  

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